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  1. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    I did go to school, and I am currently going from Monday to Friday thx for your concern. :vistalaugh:
  2. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    What concession buddy? I just said that I don't want to read an essay from a butthurt Sanji fan with down bad takes. Disagreeing≠Atacking. Now if I disagree with someone I'm a troll? And I am not the one that needs esteem, you should probably look at the guy writing an essay defending a...
  3. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Imo it was the other way around, Sanji was a better character overall before the TS
  4. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    He is > every other SH but if we talk only about asspulls and number of Ls taken in the NW.
  5. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    I didn't lose anything, I didn't even read your post because I am not butthurt enough to make an essay protecting my fav character lmao. If they can voice their opinion I can also voice mine.
  6. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    -Would also suggest you to: "Kill yourself for the actions that someone that you know did" and he would also tell you "abandon your dream before you die" such a Chad.
  7. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Judge gave a RS to every son he had, it was a matter of time for Sanji to use. Zoro earned Sandai by overcoming a curse that kills everyone that weilds it, Kuina's father deemed Zoro as someone who deserves to have his daughter's sword and Enma literally kills every person that tries to use it...
  8. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Man's forgot about the RS and the free modified DNA yet he ignores that he earned 2 of those 3 current swords. Judge literally saved Sanji's ass from death at the hands of Queen.
  9. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    You shouldn't say something like that when basically Judge's tech saved his ass from a clown like Queen.
  10. matt245

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Tbh I am taking pity of him as a character, he hates his father and everything that he gets from him yet he needs to use it to fight properly. If DJ ends up being a PU resultant from Sanji's modification that might feel like a kick in the balls.