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  1. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Weevil over Mihawk? I don't think so. 3.046 B (4=shi 6=ro), just above than his next opponent's bounty (Luffy). Only Dragon, Ray and Sabo may surpass Mihawk in terms of bounty.
  2. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Unfortunately Jack turned out to be a fraud. If his bounty is that high, he owes it in large part to Kaido's reputation.
  3. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I doubt Mihawk has a bounty in Zoro's range.
  4. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Good point. God Usopp 5B :finally:
  5. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    No, but Law and Kid defeated a Yonko by fighting together. They also haven't been acknowledged as Great Pirates yet.
  6. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    If the WSS were to have a lower bounty than Kid/Law, it would be pretty disappointing.
  7. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    According to chapter 1054, it's possible that Sabo received an even higher bounty than that of Luffy himself.
  8. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    It's almost certain that Blackbeard received a bounty increase. Luffy is probably the one with the lowest bounty among the Yonkos.
  9. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Mihawk probably joined an Emperor's crew (hopefully Buggy-sama's) if the Marines didn't capture him, so I guess his bounty is pretty high (2/3 B) but lower than the captain's one.
  10. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    1.42 B or 1.52 B is my bet. Anyway I think Zoro has amply demonstrated that he deserves a higher bounty than Luffy's current one, so I don't understand why you say that 1.52 B would make zero sense.
  11. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    1.52 B is a probable value tho
  12. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I think the upper limit for Law and Kid's bounties is 2.2 B (slightly less than Teach's current bounty). 2.2 B + 2.2 B = 4.4 B >~ 4.388 B (Big Mom's bounty)
  13. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I'm still not convinced that Luffy will receive a bounty higher than Kaido's, but if so, why shouldn't Kid and Law receive a cumulative bounty higher than Big Mom's?
  14. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I really don't understand the disrespect towards Killer. He deserves to get a bounty at least as high as EoW Jinbe's.
  15. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I almost completely agree with your predictions. Too low. Tobiroppo level bounties are an insult to Yamato and Killer. Agree.
  16. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    He did more than his own captain. He definitely deserves a higher bounty than Izo and Who's Who. There's no way he gets the same bounty as flying shits, come on.
  17. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    More likely 800 million. He's one of the mighty rooftop five after all. Or you think he won't even surpass Who's Who?
  18. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Killer will get 600/800 million imo. He definitely deserves a higher bounty than Who's Who. 5+ billion means Pirate King range. Luffy isn't at that level yet. Imo after Wano he'll become Yonko and his bounty will jump to 3/4 billion, so that later on he can get one last big increase.
  19. N

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I tend to agree, but Law and Kid will get the same bounty imo (around 1.5/2 billion). Or maybe naive are those who believe Luffy will go past Shanks after beating Kaido in a many vs one three-round fight.