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  1. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    I think next chapter (maybe the one after) will be the end of this fight. Chapter Title will probably be something like: Vinsmoke/Black Leg Sanji vs. All Star Queen.
  2. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    Dude there were people in the comment section saying they were weaker than Chopper... Like dead serious, all because they disliked them. Like I get it... You dislike a character. But be rational about where they stand power wise.
  3. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    No they just gotten taken down by 2 equal people, with the same move, and did the same amount of damage to their opponents.
  4. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    Yeah he blew himself up. Look at the steam coming from him. No hint of Katakuri bending his skin like Queen. Katakuri "neg diffed" Luffy at the start. You want to bitch about that too? Not even Jinbe could touch him. This is also the reality. He speed blitzed Pero and made him his...
  5. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    No, you're a fucking lame hypocrite. He literally stated he had the same power and before that they saved his ass with those powers.
  6. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    Dude who used to shit on Vinsmokes ^
  7. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    I think it's just a mistranslation. He probably says something like "Strong CoA is not enough"
  8. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    Just responding to your comment. Having good CoA is not a bad thing. Throwback to Moriah
  9. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    Yeah maybe. But I think BB will swoop in for Kaido's DF. There is no way BB can beat Luffy with normal skin.
  10. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    What kind of idiotic logic is this? Vergo having good CoA is a bad thing now? And read what Queen said. Sanji was being careless. His "snake-head" is like his poison. Lethal but can be dodged.
  11. sanjikun

    One Piece Chapter 1028: Brachio Snake

    Kaku and Jabra showing up to King and Queen's defeat, is like Crocodile showing up to Doflamingo's defeat. Meet your New World clone/counterpart :milaugh::milaugh: I wonder how close they are to them in power now.