General & Others Alabasta to Wano

Alabasta Luffy :

This is war . People dies .

Wano :

It is joke. nobody dies :)

How did not Kaido kill anybody ? It is hard to understand. Moreover , Kaido did nothing to Yamato . From Alabasto to till now , just whitebard and ace died. This is ridiciolus .

At WCI , Bege Family , Germa 66 and Strawhats , Fishman Army all was saved like wanokuni like punk hazard like dressrosa .

Pedro death , yasu death . and oda expect that that death must be enough . All this kind of thing ruined yonkou profile . we cannot hype anymore for yonkou fight anymore after wci . we know that that wont be anything impressive and they will get defeated .
The only people who died in Alabasta were some nameless soldiers and those guards that drank that water.

By Skypiea Oda's fake death fetish started to get out of hand. At least those guards died and That Marine Commodore with the weird hair died in Arlong park. In Skypiea only an adventurer called Zabo died.

After that The fetish kicked in arguably never ended
Did never hear about those theories, what do they suggest in particular? 🤔
That Pedro is alive.

I myself already did a theory about Pedro showing up at Wano saving Wanda and Carrot from Perospero and beating him with his sulong form. Nekomamushi was overkill to him but Oda decided that Perospero is a GOD offscreen.


Law Nerd
That Pedro is alive.

I myself already did a theory about Pedro showing up at Wano saving Wanda and Carrot from Perospero and beating him with his sulong form. Nekomamushi was overkill to him but Oda decided that Perospero is a GOD offscreen.
Yeah what I meant is how would he be alive I guess.

Simply surviving the explosion somehow and showing up later? 🤔
A bunch of G5 soldiers died from that poison gas at Punk Hazard. Vergo and Monet should be dead too.
I still don't understand why some folks hyped Monet's eventual return so badly, she looked pretty done and also not relevant enough as a character for a return 🤔 guess bias...
U are just counting minor death for strawhats major death and lost for enemy side . At the wano , war started . And still total numer of soldier does not change . Just cp0 counted those who change the side cuz of tama . Ice onu virus dont kill anybody ? The main important thing we are at end and kaido dont kill anybody still funny
1. The battlefield population in Alabasta was 30 times larger, so it stands out more if we don't have a large number of actual deaths.

2. Asura Doji and Kanjuro dying or being near death is a part of the story. And even if the former survives, that's only as bad as Pell.

3. If you give a shit about death, you have to consider that fatal injuries were worthless in Alabasta.

Usopp is just fine after having his skull cracked. Twenty years ago you'd have been bitching about how OP fell off after Arlong


Alabasta Luffy :

This is war . People dies .

Wano :

It is joke. nobody dies :)
who died in alabasta again?
Right, Oda prefers to TELL us what's happening instead of showing actual deaths. He's always been like this.
That Marine Commodore with the weird hair died in Arlong park.
Who? That rat guy? He survived lmfao
Did never hear about those theories, what do they suggest in particular? 🤔
You mean the Pedro is alive theories? They're about Pedro being alive :smart: