Theory Buggy's final secret: Nefertari Buggy (guest starring Rayleigh)

- Buggy is old enough to be Vivis uncle (buggy is 39, she's 18)

- Rayleigh is old enough to be Cobras dad. (Rayleigh is 78, Cobra is 50)

- Roger is never actually shown in Alabasta, but its implied he went there, because the battle of edd war was over Shiki wanting Roger to tell him the location of one of the ancient weapons. He didn't go to Skypeia until the journey with Oden much later, on top of Poseidon not being born yet, so its likely it was over Roger finding out about Pluton from the poneglyph in Alabasta. It doesn't seem as if anyone knows anything about Uranus yet, so I don't think it's that either. This is also after Buggy eats his devil fruit.

-In all the early Buggy/Roger flashbacks like the argument over the poles + buggy eating his devil fruit + the Oden adventure, Rayleigh is wearing very Alabasta-style purple robes with a wide sash tied on the side. Compare his outfit to Chaka's or Cobra's and they look like the same designer made them.

-The Vivre Card databooks say Buggy was born in the Grand Line but don't say where. and finally...

-Both of them have blue hair.

I'm serious though. Why is Rayleigh a CoC user? Why is his nickname "Dark King"? Perhaps he was, at a very young age, in line to be or newly installed as king of Alabasta, and felt suffocated by the position. He left his country behind to steal a boat and sail around, then sailed with Roger and became a pirate.

Maybe they picked up Buggy on the second trip? Titi (his sister?) was queen, and he had no path to the throne in that case, so why not become a pirate? Then he could get more treasure than any king or queen. And Rayleigh would vouch for him and understand wanting to shirk the royal life for adventure. Maybe that's Buggy's last and biggest secret revelation about his storied past. He's a Nefertari. And now that the gorosei seem to want to erase this bloodline from existence, he's going to want to keep this a secret.
or what if rayleigh isn't a nefertari and was the "dark king" because he was a king outside of the family.

"According to Nico Robin, the country has existed since 500 years before the Void Century, perhaps even longer. The royal Palace of Alubarna predates the kingdom itself, having existed for around 4000 years. "

so Alabasta itself has been around for 1300 years. and Cobra is only the 12th Nefertari king? That's a real stretched timeline if every single king was a Nefertari. Maybe Rayleigh's son married Titi to merge royal bloodlines or something and bring the traditional ruling family back, taking his wife's name and placating the people after the last king abandoned them.

maybe it goes like: Silvers Rayleigh is king, has a kid, decides to leave his family and country behind like the buddha. Silvers Cobra becomes king, marries Nefertari Titi making her queen and bringing the family back to the throne, takes the name Nefertari Cobra as a gesture of goodwill to the people. Titi's brother Buggy is locked out of a path to the throne and takes Ray's path to become a pirate.
I like your speculation! would be pretty interesting if this comes true. Maybe we get the backstory of buggy in a shanks arc. I think he is just an orphan.

Points that weren’t accurate:
The style of Rayleighs clothing 😂
Rayleigh being CoC user (does not matter)

Very good deduction of putting Rogers adventure on Alabasta in the timeline with the poneglyphs. Nice comparison between Rayleigh and Cobras faces. There a a few speculations about why Rayleigh is the dark king. I personally think it’s just a stylistic choice made by Oda because it sounds cool but why not?
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or what if rayleigh isn't a nefertari and was the "dark king" because he was a king outside of the family.

"According to Nico Robin, the country has existed since 500 years before the Void Century, perhaps even longer. The royal Palace of Alubarna predates the kingdom itself, having existed for around 4000 years. "

so Alabasta itself has been around for 1300 years. and Cobra is only the 12th Nefertari king? That's a real stretched timeline if every single king was a Nefertari. Maybe Rayleigh's son married Titi to merge royal bloodlines or something and bring the traditional ruling family back, taking his wife's name and placating the people after the last king abandoned them.

maybe it goes like: Silvers Rayleigh is king, has a kid, decides to leave his family and country behind like the buddha. Silvers Cobra becomes king, marries Nefertari Titi making her queen and bringing the family back to the throne, takes the name Nefertari Cobra as a gesture of goodwill to the people. Titi's brother Buggy is locked out of a path to the throne and takes Ray's path to become a pirate.
Besides all that - the interaction between Buggy and Rayleigh in the Ofen flashback didn’t seem like they were blood related
If Rayleigh is Kobra's dad.... Why didn't Rayleigh do anything when his country was being conquered by Crocodile?

I would be very disappointed with two explanations- he didn't know or he didn't care.