News Eiichiro Oda (One Piece) and Gosho Aoyama (Detective Conan) will have an interview!!

Was sad when case closed (English dubbed ver.) ended. Have a hard time with the Japanese version. This collaboration reminded me I need to read Detective Conan.
Text version for the interview

Interview between Eijichiro Oda & Gosho Aoyama

The:"Sunday” and "Jump” of that time:

Aoyama-sensei said "It would be interesting if ican do have a
talk with Oda-kun. As a comrade who will reach the 100
volumes at the same time, i want to talk about several things
with him” in an interview before. Oda-sensei wrote at the end of
a volume "| didn't meet him but i'feel like he’is‘a brother in
arms. | understand the difficulty of 1OO volumes, Aoyama-san.
Congratulations in Conan's 100 volumes!”. And this historical
conversation, is finally happening.

Aoyama: It's an honor to see Oda-kun’'s face since you never
show it(laughs)

Oda: You show your face in several places after all. But i’m really
happy. | never thought i would be able to meet you.

Aoyama: Me neither(laughs). I've always thought we wouldn't
aa=t-) Mame se cow

Oda: I've received a business card from the editor-in-chief of the
"Weekly Shounen Sunday”, i was moved thinking "I've received
a business card from Sunday! Things'like this happen!” (laughs)

[I've tried to find:common traits between:the 2 of you, Oda was
born in 1975 and Aoyama-sensei in 1963. Your zodiac sign is the
same, the year of the rabbit]

Aoyama: Right right. Do you know about the year of the rabbit
legend? Chiba Tetsuya-sensei was born in 1939, Adachi
Mitsuru-sensei was born in 1951. They both are also from the
year of the rabbit, 12 years after Adachi-sensei it’s me and 12
years after me it’s Oda-kun. There is still no one after that.

Oda: | would like if Toriyama Akira-sensei would fit somewhere
in there but he is not from the year of the rabbit huh(laughs)...
I’ve only known about the "Weekly Shounen Jump” from long
ago. Do you know about other magazines?

Aoyama: Not that much. I’ve first brought it to the "Weekly
Shounen Magazine” but then i was told "This doesn't work with
the Magazine, it's better if you take it to another magazine” so i
took it to Sunday, and from then_until now i've been in Sunday

Oda: You debuted in 1986 right? What was the success before
you debuted?

Aoyama: | was more from the Magazine type so i don’t know
much about the Jump but i super loved works like "1 2 no
Sanshirou"(From Kobayashi Makoto) and "Ore wa Teppei'(from
Chiba Tetsuya). From Sunday it was "”Touch” from Adachi

Oda: I've read "Touch". I've also read "Rough"(Adachi Mitsuru).

Aoyama: I've also watched the anime of "Urusei
Yatsura”(Takahashi Rumiko).

Oda: After you debuted you serialized "Magic Kaito”, "YAIBA",
"Aban third” and now "Dtective Conan” is your 4th work right?

Aoyama: Right right. Perhaps, haven't you drawn any other
serialized series besides "One Piece”?

Oda: You are right. I’m a one-hit wonder.

Aoyama: A one-hit wonder! Your one-hit is too big!(laughs)

Oda: What works were serialized when you started "Detective
evo) li arg

Aoyama: It was amazing. "Ranma 1/2"(Takahashi Rumiko),
"Ushio to Tora"(Fujita Kazuhiro), "H2"(Adachi Mitsuru), "Kyou
kara Ore wa!!"(Nishimori Hiroyuki)... It was a tremendous Line
vl om

Oda: I've read "Ranma 1/2"! It was so fun. Just because the
magazines are different the things we look are totally different
huh. When "Detective Conan” started in the Jump there were
"Dragon Ball’ (Akira Toriyama), "Slam Dunk"(Inoue Takehiko).

Aoyama: I've also read "Dragon Ball”! | love Toriyama-sensei’'s

Oda: | was a Jump type but how did you see.the Jump from
back then? That.was something i wanted to ask you. if i could
meet you. At that time the jump had overwhelming sales, but
later there was a time of fight with the "Weekly Shounen
Magazine” when they, surpassed it.

Aoyama: Well, i didn’t care about that side. Sorry(laughs)
Oda: Ah, you didn’t see it(laughs)

[Il want to hear your memories of when you started with the
serialization. When you published the 1st chapter, what was
going on?]

Oda: | started "One Piece”’s serialization in 1997, 2 years before
that, "Dragon Ball” ended. To us that was a shock and there was
a time when the newbies started a fight for "Dragon Ball”’'s slot
saying "I want that slot!”. Then for 2 years it was a repetition of
being destroyed by being compared to "Dragon Ball” and i've
finally survived.

Aoyama: Amazing(laughs)

Oda: At that time, "Dragon)ball” and "Slam:Dunk" ended and
there was a period where people thought the Jump was in
problems. Jump’s cover was published in the issue where my
serialization started and at the side of "One Piece’’s drawing
there was written "Magazine surpasses Jump”. It wasn't my
responsibility at all(laughs) but i remember i thought it was
really frustrating.

Aoyama: | too, when "Detective Conan” was published it was
supposed to be at the center of the cover butit was just the
World Cup qualifications and Gon Nakayama(Nakayama
Masashi) scored an amazing goal so the cover was changed to
Gon Nakayama. That's why Conan’s.cover that was supposed to
be published withthe 1st chapter, had the:bad luck to be
published with the 2nd chapter(laughs)


[What did the each of you think about the others who also
made a great success?]

Oda: A whilevafter "Dragon Ball” endedjin the world of the
shounen manga "Detective Conan” and "Kindaichi Shonen no
Jikenbo” were the 2 top. "Detective Conan” was always winning.

Aoyama: I-Is that... so? (laughs)

Oda: At least from our perspective, yes. The work that
supported the jump back then were "Rurouni Kenshin" (Watsuki
Nobuhiro). | went to Watsuki-sensei as an assistant. I'll be direct,
to us, we have the pride that our seniors were leading the
manga world with manga focused in battles so everyone was
saying "A mystery manga can't be the top of the shounen
mangas" (laughs).

Even Watsuki-sensei took a stance of "Mangas who are not right
in the center like mine can’t be the Jump’s top”. That’s why
during that time i always saw "Detective Conan” as an enemy so
i didn't read it at all always thinking 'I’ll drag you down’...
(laughs). No, really, until now i've always thought of you as an

Aoyama: No no, an enemy!? Well(laughs).

Oda: You are making me look like i was the only one thinking of
you as a rival(laughs). Say something like 'The jump should be
like this’! Don't you have something you a rival?

Aoyama: Not really. If it’s a detective series like "Kindaichi
Shonen no Jikenbo” (Amagi Seimaruy Kanari Youzaburou, Satou
Fumiya) i have the.thought of "! will not lose” but the genre is
totally different.

Oda: We always looked at the whole manga world and when we
looked at the top, "Detective Conan” was always there. | was at
the position of junior so i was always aware of it but it’s true
that once you are up there you can't see it anymore.

Aoyama: But; you surpassed me pretty soon, am i wrong?

Oda: At that time i was really desperate, i don’t know about
what happened. When the serialization started i was doing the
best i can which made me stop looking at my surroundings.

Aoyama: That's amazing. It was also difficult for me. I'm doing a
mystery manga alone. | have to think about the story and
drawing so i couldn't think about other mangas.

Oda: In the end, once you start with the serialization you can't
really watch your surroundings. | really respect you for being
able to continue all this time!

[Did you ever think of the young mangakas as your rivals?]
Aoyama: Rivals... Others are others and'i am myself.(laughs)

Oda: You are really peaceful. Since when did you reach that
mental state?

Aoyama: Since the beginning i think

Oda: Really!? You weren't the type to compete when you were

Aoyama: When | was young there were other mystery series
since "Detective Conan” was doing well. I've always. thought.”1
won't lose to them” but that’s all. It’s weird but i don't think i
had enemies. There was "Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo" as i said
before but that was a different thing.

Oda: I see, your scope of enemies are mystery series.

Aoyama: Yes, yes. But there weren't many.people who wrote
mystery series so it’s something i do on my own. That's why i
think that others are others and i am myself.

Oda: I've been able to reach that mental state just a few years
ago. Until now i've always knew that if "One Piece” is not
published the readers will be disappointed. But lately there are
young authors who are being raised in the Jump and even if |
rest they support me. So i've been feeling the weight off my
shoulders. That's why | don't mind others’ mangas. It feels like
there is room to face my fans at my own pace.

Aoyama: Eeeehh! You've been too busy.

Oda: | wonder why? It’s the systemof the Jump» bad? (laughs).
They make us compete. If you draw something bad it ends up
being a one-shot. It’s the same for Sunday right?

Aoyama: Yes, it’s the same for Sunday. But the Sunday from the
old days didn’t show us the rankings. So when "Detective
Conan” reached the 10 chapters i told them, "hand it over” and i
watched it in secret.

Oda: | think the Jump probably shows the surveys to the authors
to provoke their fighting spirit. That’s something i've been
wondering since i started the serialization.1 guess it’s because
everyone wants to know if they will survive.

In the last chapters of "YAIBA” the serialization before
"Detective Conan”, it got the Ist position, right?

Aoyama: Yes! | was so happy that i finally got 1st position that i
told them to put it in my coffin because i'll probably die from

Oda: So youvare attached to numbers! Then, aren't you
frustrated if you lose?

Aoyama: Right, but since i began "Detective Conan” i've always
been Ist place... Although saying that it’s unpleasant, i'll

Oda: (laughs). | understand that.

[How much was the pressure of you 2 who have been carrying
the face of both magazines?]
Aoyama: Pressure? Zero(laughs)
Oda: Same here!

Aoyama: | mean, i think it's Shougakukan’s fault that makes me

Oda: I've always thought of it as doing things in my own way.
My way of thinking when my fighting spirit was strong was that
everything was my own problem including where it ends or if
popularity falls.

[It's difficult to imagine]

Aoyama: Actually if there was any pressure i wouldn't be able to

Oda: Right. The amount of things | have to carry is.terrifying if i
think calmly about it. | think the only people who can survive
are the. people with that type of personality

Aoyama: Right, | think the same.
[Whatiimpression do you have about each other's drawings?]

Oda: It’s appealing. It’s really appealing! I’ve always thought
that it was really unique even when i only knew about drawings.
Only unique and unusual drawings can survive in the manga
world, right? But when i tried to read it, it wasn’t just that but it
has a really strange appeal. It has a charm that can make not
only kids but also grown man and woman like it. I've always
thought that it’s normal it was a success.

Aoyama:)| was surprised when didn’t see Luffy eat the Gomu
Gomu no mi! If it was me, just after he eats it i would put a
heartbeat sfx (laughs). "Detective Conan” is also a manga that
the body changes after swallowing a medicine/drug but | write
those sensations, that's why i think "One Piece’”’s expressions
are fresh. Also, there are the elders(Gorousei) who appear in the
levely, those designs are amazing! | can't draw that.

Oda: | think that’s something the young me used to do. |. made
them appear a long time ago but even if i think about back then,
i think their designs weren’t:a failure. Although they are still
characters who haven't shown their true value.

[TEAM "Detective Conan”, TEAM "ONE PIECE"]

[In the animes, there are a lot of voice actors that who overlap.
Kudou Shin’ichi, Kaitou Kid and Usopp (Yamaguchi Kappei),
Akai and,Shanks.(Ikeda Shuuichi), Amuro and Sabo,(Furuya
Tooru), Mitsuhiko and Chopper (Ootani Ikue), etc.]

Aoyama: Well, they obviously overlap. The anime have
continued for a quarter of a century.

Oda: When ivsaw the most recent movie,;."Halloween no
Hanayome” i was surprised thinking a lot.of acquaintance are
appearing. Even Yamaguchi Yuriko who has the role of Nico
Robin appeared (She appeared in "Halloween no Hanayome” as
Christine Richard). In our dressrosa arc in the anime there were
a lot of voice actors that overlaped! Hayashibara Megumi who
has the role of Haibara Ai played the role of a character called

Aoyama: Furuya Tooru-san who has:the role of Amurovalso have
a good position too, Sabo! Also in "Film Red” Ikeda Shuuichi
who plays the role of Shanks will also appear, right? In
"Detective Conan” he also plays a role of the popular Akai

Oda: He didn’t appear in the movie right?
Aoyama: In "Halloween no Hanayome"... Fufufu(laughs)

Oda: But in "Detective Conan” they appear regularly right? In
"One piece”'s case there are times when the nakamas have to
separate so even regular characters have to'take breaks, it
happens quite often, for example, "Sanji came to dub after 3
years” (laughs)

Aoyama: Akai also had to leave for 7, years though | thought.of
making a spoiler. after 2 years passed. Vermouth also appeared
in the TV anime after 5 years.

Oda: 1! didn't think the anime would continue for this long and
the voice actors are also getting old. The other day Tanaka
Mayumi(Luffy) said worried "What will happen if | die” and
Nozawa Masako(Kureha) told her "If: you.diei will take your
role”(laughs), they have to stay healthy. Do you also usually talk
with the voice actors?

Aoyama: Before Corona we made parties to celebrate the
movies and we talk there a lot. Also a long time ago there was a
display of fireworks that could be seen from the living room of
my-house so i called the voice actors and made a great banquet.
lt Was super fun but also with a lot of difficulties(laughs). You
keep doing it even now right?

Oda: In my case it’s usually self-service. | tell them i’m going to
do a takoyaki party! Then | cook it on my own ignoring the

[Oda-sensei replied in a past interview that "I'm much more
happy if i’m close with the anime staff” so | have the impression
that you are close with the anime staff and voice actors]

Oda: Yes, all this time, it’s been sucha long time since the anime
started after all. So it’s normal if they become like relatives.

AV =Ve Met Ce M Caloy nem a al-Von mcs alec dale \ aM cle-M Ma sMcvom dnl =N VE
associate with my family.

Aoyama: In my case it’s not that much but! can ask "This
character needs to have this voice actor”. For example
Yamadera Kouichi.who plays the role of Akai Tustomu was my
request. There are times when | change the character after
hearing the voice actor's voices.

Oda: I've also changed Chopper to a mascot character after
hearing the anime voice. | have a policy "Not wanting to draw
mascots” but Ootani Ikue’s voice was too cute(laughs)

Aoyama: Me'too! After hearing Ootani-san’s voice as Mitsuhiko i
thought "How cute” so since then i’ve drawn Mitsuhiko more
(AUK =8

Oda: You overlap the names of the voice actors with their roles
right? Like Takagi-san and Furuya-san

Aoyama: In regards of Takagi Wataru-san, at first he didn't have
a name but when he appeared in the anime i said "Call him
Takagi” and since then he has been ‘detective Takagi’ so after
taking responsability, | put him in the series with his real

In-regards to Furuya Tooru-san it was:an omage to Gundam’s
Amuro Ray(Rei), i separated the names and created "Furuya
Rei” and "Amuro Tooru" so that Gundam fans can be pleased.
Did you watch Gundam?

Oda: | watched it, i like Gundam. But i think the trend i
experienced was different.

Aoyama: | see, then it’s not the first gundam(Kidou Senshi

Oda: No, it’s actually the first gundam. In your time it was the
first. gundam trend and in our time as kids the second trend
came. | have the impression it was a great,Success after the

[How are the 2 of you usually involved int he movies?]

Aoyama: |'m firmly involved with the movie since the beginning.
From the scenario to the contents, so involved that i make
people upset with me(laughs)

Oda: Additionally, there is one movie per year for "detective
conan” right? |. wonder if it’s because the stories of the manga
are disconnected that it goes so well, in my case all the chapters
are connected. | have to focus in the story of the serialization so
i don't want to think about a different story. Maybe our brains
are different to begin with.

Aoyama: In "Detective Conan", "1 incident” lasts for 3 chapters,
6 chapters at most. In "One piece” '1 incident’ is too
long(laughs). It might be because it’s long that it’s difficult to
make movies. It looks difficult to have to make a side trip:to go
to different island when you are already trying to find the one

Oda: In my case, the:nakamas a board keep increasing so if
there is 1 incident it’s not only 1 reaction so the story keeps
getting extended. Let’s say that in "detective conan” the
detective boys increases, wouldn't that give you trouble?

Aoyama: | don't want to increase the detective team...(laughs)
I'll definitely not increase it.

[How was your experience watching each other's movies?]

Oda: This year's "Halloweenno Hanayome” was so cool!! | was
surprised when i've heard that the female fans of detective
conan were increasing since | thought it was a shounen manga
where a kid resolves incidents. | wondered why and |
understood why when i saw-the movie! "I/see, they like the
people from the security police and the handsome grown man”

Aoyama: From Oda-kun’s movies | like "One Piece Film Gold”. It
was fun since | love places like Las Vegas and sparkling
places(laughs). | want to go to that Casino ship(Gran Tesoro)!

Oda: Realy!? Thank you

Aoyama: If "have to say a common trait:it would be the
outcome of the movies, in both "One piece” and "Detective
Conan” end with an expansion.

Oda: That's the right way as a classic shounen manga, right?
Aoyama: No, no, with getting expanded i don't mean the story.
In "Detective Conan” we expand soccer balls and Luffy can
expand his hands and body. The bigger the more exciting.

Oda: You meant that type of expansion(laughs). Big is justice, i
guess we are from Ultraman’s era.

Aoyama:In "Film God” there was a turtle moving)a car, are you
the one thinking about these things?

Oda: | leave the scriptwriter create the normal ideas, | only
check the contents and fix everything. The movies are the
director's thing so it’s something i shouldn't do but if | don’t do
at least that i can't take responsibility. You also draw key frames

Aoyama: I've been doing that since the 1st one. "Tokei Jikake no
Matenrou”. This year i've. drawn like 20 key frames.

Oda: Even the fans can notice where it was you, right?
Aoyama: You could draw key frames,too,

Oda: If i put too much into the movie i can’t proceed with the
manga So it's difficult. But in order to make it popular i know i
have to bring new fans by making the world talk about a new
movie once every 3 years. But it’s really difficult! If | have to do
it i'll be picky to a great extent, | know my own personality
although at first i didn't want to(laughs). In the end | ended up
being involved even in the propaganda process, | check the
volume of the theaters and the time it takes, i check everything.
| also watch the poster's layouts

Aoyama: You love this(laughs)

Oda: But | feel sorry for my juniors, because i've created one of
Jump's culture, if the author gets involved the movie will be a
success. They are being recruited but unexpectedly the young
ones are really enjoying it.

Aoyama: No no, | think it’s good! Everyone is enjoying it!

[What dovyou think about the protagonist figure?]
Aoyama: Conan is the organizer, of everyone.

Oda: To me he is the most easy to draw character. | knew that he
would be the character that would stay with me the longest.

[Then, who is the character that you think you are the only one
who can move?]

Oda: | think it’s Luffy. A lot.of scriptwritter deal with him but if i
don't fix the sentences no one would accept him as Luffy.
Doesn't "Detective Conan” happen to have a character like that?

Aoyama: In "Detective Conan” it would:be Gin! Everyone always
tries to make him,say "I'll kill everyone” but i have to tell them
"No no, he wouldn't say that”(laughs)

Oda: | know | know, the character that must be fixed in the
movie is the character that only us can write. It’s a weird
relationship. When you are a fan you can notice the details of
him being different but when you write the script it’s a different

Aoyama: || have to fix Gin 100%. Lately even there are times
when the scriptwritter gives me the script to just fix
him...(laughs). | mean it’s literally written in the love comedy
scenes’s "Aoyama-sensei, save me”. | said, eeh? Really? (laughs)

Oda: Then you fix it, it's a success and they rely on you.

Aoyama: They do(laugh). But it makes me happy that they rely
on me!

[Detective Conan and One Piece’s turning point]

[If you look back from the 100 books, what story would you
decide as a turning point?]

Aoyama: That's difficult, but if | have to decide 1 place it was a
chapter I wrote around when I was discharged form the hospital
when i had to take\a break due to an illness. It started with Akai
and Amuro pointed each other with a pistol.

Oda: That's definitely cool! From when was it?

Aoyama: 4 years ago. I was taking a long break so for my return
i thought it should be something popular so | started by writting
a good scene. Although until then I didn’t write anything aiming

Oda: I'm.the same as you, my turning point would.probably be
something recent. Luffy got a power up called "Gear 5th”, that’s
something I've always wanted to do.

[I'm surprised that the 2 of you chose a recent chapter. In "One
Piece’’s chapter 1044 the true name.of the "Gomu Gomu no Mi”
was revealed: The 5th gear where Luffy.can fight changing his
body has finally appeared]

Oda: | drew this playing around a lot thinking that it it’s okay if
people are against it. | just want be playful with battles. Since
the moment i was an assistant the expressions that are the
symbol of mangas have been continually lost. For example,
putting a light bulb mark when a character thinks about
something, or making the character's legs go in circles as a car
when they are running.

Aoyama: Right, also the eyes flying.

Oda: I loved those symbols type of expressions but it's ceasing
'to be drawn. No one is drawing it even though our predecessors
ated and left several formulas. Battle mangas have to keep
getting more and more serious in order to meet the fans'
expectations and i've always hated that. That's why i definitely
don't want to become a serious manga in the end, i just want
and decided to be playful, and i'm finally able to do that. That's
why when i drew this, i had super fun
Aoyama: (Looks at a picture of Gear S) Wooh„ amazing! The
design is so goodi it's excellent. I'm impressed you are able to
draw such a face.
Oda.• Thank you. For the concept, think of it as if I suddenly
drew "Tom and Jerry"
Aoyama: Yes yes yes. I liked "Tom and Jerry'" I can't forgive
Oda:Uerry? No no no, I was Jerry's supporter!
Åoyama: Really? Tom was always trying really hard but Jerry
was sneaky, I just, hate Jerry a lot, Although if i had to decide
which one Conan-kun would be like gerry(laughs)
Oda: When i tried to draw it it was actually difficult. The world
Of "Tom and Jerry'" works because the 2 Of them. I suffered
because Of the difference in atttitude when i looked at Luffy
being the only one making pranks in battle and his opponent
not. But I feel this time i was able to draw it. The older you get
the more tiring drawing battles is, right?

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Interview between Eiichiro Oda & Gosho Aoyama
Oda: I loved those symbols type of expressions but it's ceasing
'to be drawn. No one is drawing it even though our predecessors
ated and left several formulas. Battle mangas have to keep
getting more and more serious in order to meet the fans'
expectations and i've always hated that. That's why i definitely
don't want to become a serious manga in the end, i just want
and decided to be playful, and i'm finally able to do that. That's
why when i drew this, i had super fun
Aoyama: (Looks at a picture of Gear S) Wooh„ amazing! The
design is so goodi it's excellent. I'm impressed you are able to
draw such a face.
Oda.• Thank you. For the concept, think of it as if I suddenly
drew "Tom and Jerry"
Aoyama: Yes yes yes. I liked "Tom and Jerry'" I can't forgive
Oda:Uerry? No no no, I was Jerry's supporter!
Åoyama: Really? Tom was always trying really hard but Jerry
was sneaky, I just, hate Jerry a lot, Although if i had to decide
which one Conan-kun would be like gerry(laughs)
Oda: When i tried to draw it it was actually difficult. The world
Of "Tom and Jerry'" works because the 2 Of them. I suffered
because Of the difference in atttitude when i looked at Luffy
being the only one making pranks in battle and his opponent
not. But I feel this time i was able to draw it. The older you get the more tiring drawing battles is, right?

Aoyama: There aren't many action parts in "Detective Conan". When i draw them i draw it in high spirits, Although it usually ends fast since it's just shooting a soccer ball. But long time ago I was tired when i drew "Yaiba". The japanese islands became a dragon, it was difficult for me and the assistants. But I think drawing action is fun.

The later part of the conversation continues in the weekly shounen sunday