Character Discussion Favorite Female Character's Best Moment

If with best moment we mean best moment in general and not the most badass moment,surely "I want to live" by Nico Robin remains not only best female moment but also best OP moment. If we talk instead about most badass moment of a female character,surely everytime Big Mom went full force,and Robin vs Black Mariah
Tashigi beong told by Smoker she'll have to do more than cry and she'll have to get much stronger to attain her dreams and her declaring she will. Not the most valiant moment but a hopeful and realistic one and one of the reasons I really enjoyed the two characters pre-timeksip.

Vivi advising Luffy on being a captain and telling him he was being reckless and ridiculous by getting violent when they were trying to get help for Nami. Along with Luffy telling her to get real when she wanted to save everyone in her home country.