Powers & Abilities Foreshadowing of Zoro's Conqueror Haki

Finally, in chapter 1010 we had concrete confirmation that the Grandmaster is a Color of Conqueror user.

In chapter 1033 we have this, the utmost confirmation, Zoro being a King and having Advanced Conqueror Haki, the power that Kaido stated that "only a handful of the very strongest" can wield.

The fact that Zoro has Haoshoku Haki doesn't come as a surprise, at all, as it was basically implied.
This is a clear parallel to Dark King Rayleigh.
Remember all those panels where Zoro is thought to be the real captain of the Strawhats? Or where people wonder why he isn't the captain, or why he isn't the captain of his own crew? Now everything makes sense.

That's because Zoro is a CONQUEROR. He is a KING in his own way (King of Swordsmen).
Just like Luffy is a CONQUEROR and a KING in his own way (King of Pirates).

Exactly like Rayleigh was a Conqueror and a King just like Roger was a Conqueror and a King.
We now have confirmation that Zoro is to Luffy what Rayleigh was to Roger: a very close first mate, someone who follows not because weaker but because sincere trust, a right hand who is almost an equal. Rayleigh was a Haoshoku Haki user, so it's simply logical that Zoro has Haoshoku as well (as the Future WSS is basically the current generation's version of Rayleigh, just like Luffy is the current generation's version of Roger).
It was obvious, but some people still doubted. Now it's clear as day. Luffy is the Future King of Pirates, the new Gol D Roger, while Zoro is the Future World Strongest Swordsman and the New Generation Dark King, the Right Hand of the King of Pirates, the new Silvers Rayleigh.

Click below to see clear evidence of Zoro being for Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates what Rayleigh was for Roger and the Roger Pirates:

Stated in the manga:

Other crewmembers search and refers to Zoro's authority:

Stated in databooks:

If the captain is KO, the first mate/right hand/vice captain steps in, to protect his captain and the crew:

The captain trusts things directly to him, and to him only. And the crewmembers obey:

Finally, there's no greater proof than your eyes: Zoro is the literal perfect specular copy of Rayleigh.

Also, about Color of Conqueror again. If that is a rare ability that allows the user to exert their own willpower over other people, a power that can be wielded by only a few individuals who have the drive to excel as kings... who could have it better than Zoro, who is stone-willed to become the World's Strongest Swordsman, so to be one of the strongest individuals in the entire world?

So, really, the fact that Zoro has Haoshoku Haki is just a confirmation of what basically everyone was thinking already.
Oda gave heavy foreshadowing of this, with many references to Zoro's "strong aura" "killing intent" "demoniac presence".
So many references that it came to be a concrete foreshadowing of Zoro being a Conqueror.

Conqueror Haki is the "power to overwhelm":

Just like what Zoro did to Monet:

You can even see the "glare", the focus on the eye with lines coming focusing on it, just like every time Haoshoku is used (go and see Rayleigh, Luffy etc etc).

At the beginning of Wano, Urashima wanted to try to take Kiku but decided to not to because he got scared of Zoro's presence:

Zoro's will power is so strong and overwhelming that it creates the illusion of his body multiplicating like a demon:

Other Supernovas feel from him a tremendous radiance of killing intent:

In the recent chapter 997, Zoro rages against Queen, screaming that he doesn't want to waste his time with him. Queen gets intimidated. In the exact meantime, Kaido causes earthquakes in Onigashima, because he is lifting the island; Oda teases everyone, making the fodders scream that the earthquakes are caused by Zoro rage, and also has Brook stating the same thing as well, also directly linking the earthquakes to Zoro's Conqueror Haki.
That seemed a pun to the readers, but nowadays we understand it wasn't. When an earthquake happens and Zoro is around, the first thing that people think is that it is due to Zoro being enraged and exerting his Haoshoku.

This is uncertain, but, look: when Zoro was training to control Enma, to tame the sword and avoid it sucking his CoA, it's heavily possible that the green swordsman used, uncosciously, his Conqueror Haki. The focused "glare" is literally the same that Oda uses when he draws usage of Conqueror Haki.
And what is Zoro doing... think about that: he is literally imposing his will to the sword, he is overwhelming the sword with his will!
Also, one would think that he uncosciously used the Haoshoku even in the Sandai Kitetsu issue back in Rogue Town, to put his luck and destiny on the line, as price to tame that cursed sword...

Not to mention this. When Luffy exerts his Haoshoku and takes out tens of thousands of fodders, pay attention to what reaction did Oda make Zoro to have.
No further words are needed.

Why that? It's because, while all the other Strawhats followed Luffy as underlings who accepted or needed his protection and his superior strength, Zoro was the one and only who did follow Luffy only out of his will. Infact, Zoro's strength is so close to Luffy's, he is almost his equal, but he respects and trusts Luffy so much that he doesn't step of his role. Want further proof? Read what other Supernovas think. That Zoro "is not the type to obey anyone". That for him to follow anyone, that person "must be something else".

This concept is also clearly stated in the databooks.
Zoro's strength is nearly equal to Luffy, but he follows Luffy out of trust and respects him not going further than his role if not needed (aka stepping up to Luffy's side or i Luffy's place only if needed).

Big thanks to @T.D.A for this!

Massive respect for the Grandmaster.

- At EoS will be one of the strongest characters ever, by the virtue of being the Future PK's Right Hand/First Mate and the Future WSS.
- Narrative link with the current strongest characters: Mihawk is Zoro's enemy and ultimate goal and at the same time his teacher, the same Mihawk who is an "eternal rival" for Shanks, a Yonko and Luffy's inspiring mentor.
- Also, like Luffy has a parallel to legendary figures in the recent past (Roger) and distant past (Joy Boy), Zoro has a parallel to legendary figures in the recent past (Rayleigh) and distant past (Ryuma). These two are the only Strawhats who have similar benchmarks.
- Played around and held back for the entire New World. The first fight that he went 100% serious was a fight against two freaking Yonkos!
- Speedblitzed and defeated a Fishman warrior who was the Arc Main Villain. And he did this while fighting underwater. And he did this effortlessy.
- In DR cut a mountain and effortlessy destroyed a Full Body CoA user who was comparable to Vergo.
- In DR he also exchanged blows and clashed with an Admiral. Wonder why Oda avoided that Zoro could fight against Doflamingo...
- With a casual slash, intimidated a YC like Queen.
- User of the Haki of the Supreme King.
- Supernova slayer: even while massively holding back, showed clear superiority to Hawkins, Killer, Apoo.
- Part of the Rooftop five, the five strongest WG Supernovas that were hyped as "The strongest pirates of the new generation".
- Kaido said to the Rooftop Five "If you joined me, we could have conquered the world".
- Partially stopped Hakai (that even Luffy didn't even try to stop, and that the other Supernova claimed was undodgeable/unstoppable), and tanked what he couldn't stop. Hakai was a move with the combined strength of two Yonko that launched a serious named finishing move to take out all the five Supernovas in a single attack. Just saying.
- In a wounded state could use Ashura, blitz Kaido who was in Hybrid Form and actively trying to defend and gave him a serious wound, that created a massive scar, that was acknowledged by Kaido.
- Kidd thanked him for partially stopping Hakai and therefore saving his life and everyone's life.
- Law was astonished in seeing how Zoro could fight after being damaged by Hakai, and was even more astonished in seeing Zoro using Ashura and damaging Kaido.
- Killer was in awe seeing how Zoro could easily cut through Kaido's Dragon scales.
- Saved his captain's life many times and assisted him many times, like a perfect Vice/Right Hand/First Mate would do.
- Had a Yonko screm in fear because worried that Zoro's attack could create serious damage to another Yonko.
- Countered, tanked, overpowered, intercepted, deflected attacks from Yonkos as is said attacks were child's play.
- With a move that is mid tier among his ones, he overpowered Kaido's Full Zoan Form's named attack, wounded Kaido and forced him to go in Hybrid Form.

And I am forgetting something for sure...
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