Fourth prince Tssereidnich vs Diavolo

Now hear me out, Tserriednich's power is constantly growing so at the time of this post it could be exponentially higher but ģiven the hiatus it will be a while. Also there's certain parts of his power or Nen beasts' powers that are still a ridiculous trip to understand despite the multiple lines of text explaining them.

And on the other hand King crimson has a clearly defined power level down to numerical stats values on his strength and speed and everything. But he suffers from the opposite problem of Tserriednich being that his power is under explained even though it's somewhat fairly straightforward in comparison.

So begin I guess. The power extremely OVER explained timey wimey powers vs the power of extremely UNDER explained timey wimey powers


1.Tsseriednich can perceive King crimson via Gyo but can only harm King crimson using Nen and no physical attack can work. This means direct attacks from Nen beast work but not direct attacks from Tserriednich himself.

2. Tserriednich's second Nen beast whose powers have not been revealed is basically an X-factor who can at best for now be used for only direct attacks.

3. King crimson's Epitaph only perceives the Prime timeline which Tserriednich can change but Tserriednich of course can't perceive King Crimson's broken time and will remain in the prime timeline essentially blind.

4. All timey wimey stuff is limited to 10 seconds per activation so Epitaph and broken time work in 10 second segments and Tserriednich's Splintering time is 10 seconds as well.

5. One shots are allows Eg. If Diavolo tells Tserriednich a lie he dies immediately due the Nen beast unless of course he destroys time if he knows to do so and Of course Diavolo wins immediately if he can run his hand through Tserriednich since I doubt he has the Ten good enough toheo withstand Jojo characters who casually break diamonds with together fists.

6. Lastly none of these rules are set in stone. I also have no idea how this fight would play out or how these ridiculous abilities would interact so who knows, maybe King crimson can destroy time in Tserriednich's second timeline too or can just pull out some Death Nen that can do some ridiculous thing; who knows.
I have no idea who he is.
He's the source of that Jojo meme, King Crimson: It just works.

He has a ridiculously busted time related ability that's basically the equivalent of ability reality cheat code.

I thought of matching him up with Tssereidnich just because of how over the top the two time abilities are.