General & Others Freedom in One Piece


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Freedom has remain a central theme of one piece throughout all arcs with references drawn from our real world.

It has become basis of various other themes present in one piece like equality and justice, tolerance towards diversity of culture and opinion, rights of minorities like trans people and so on.

So what exactly is freedom?

It means to be free FROM something. The concept of freedom varies with how one sees things and where they stands at just like what Doffy said about justice - "kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values. Those who stands at the top become justice and decide the freedom and fate of others."

For example, school children feel free from daily school to play when summer vacations start. It's freedom for them.

For freedom fighters, it means to be free from colonial rule and right to self determination.

Thus the concept has element of freedom of choice and will. It's when you have freedom, you are free to fulfill your dreams and have liberty to do things.

Concept of Freedom in OP

OP world isn't free. There is no free navigation across all seas, no freedom of right information(fake news of Doffy getting removed from warlord), existence of slavery and discrimination(sabody arc and fishmen Island) and above all there is presence of unjust authority controlling fate of others and restricting freedom to maintain balance of power even if it has to resort to mass cleansing.

It's against this background, Luffy wants to become pirate king to be freest man. In pursuit of this, he went on adventures and journey by exercising his own choice and will against what Garp desired. During this journey, he met various people but some became very special and are his crew mates.

Luffy freed them from their burden, and gave them hope and provided them with opportunity to pursue their dreams. Zoro was freed from unjust punishment of Morgan, Nami from money debt with destruction of Arlong Park, Sanji from what he owed to Zeff, chopper from racism, Robin from unjustice of WG, Franky from guilt of being responsible for Tom's death, Brook from loneliness.

What's striking is the diversity in concept of freedom in One piece which becomes more evident through Ace being freed from self hate and stigma to be born as a son of PK, or SHs freeing Alabasta and Dressrosa from being oppressed by crocodile and Doffy or at bigger scale, Dragon overthrowing monarchs to establish just rule and governance or Fujitora allowing diffusion of information regarding Doffy defeat or joy boy promise to fishmen which reflect equality and justice

Freedom and Dreams

Each main character have dreams. Some are good both in letter and spirit like in case of our protagonist such as finding all blue, drawing world map, becoming brave warrior or even meetings an old friend laboon.

Their dreams symbolize pursuit of freedom for example how anyone can draw a world map without navigating freely throughout the world?

Some dreams are good but means adopted for them are bad like BM wants to have all races but she approach this with tyranny or WG having goal of balance of power but through keeping citizens in dark by wiping out true history or doing mass cleansing.

Such dreams symbolizes abuse of power and restriction of freedom of others for their own interest. For example, wano is ruined because of Orochi and Kaido or BM children have no freedom of choice in marriage.

Thus, one not only has to pursue freedom to fulfill their own dreams but also to fight for their freedom and for their rights and those of others or die trying. This notion is explicitly visible in the attitude of SHs and worst generation.

Freedom, Dreams, Destiny and Inherited will

"A Man's Dream never die "- Marshal D. Teach

We all have various kinds of dreams either to become successful in our careers or travel the world or to serve the society or even to meet our idols in one day. Our dreams never die. They always exist till the end of our time with us.

What becomes death of our dreams is lack of freedom and liberty to pursue them. What dies is not dreams but our own will power to pursue them.

Now, why SHs have dreams? One can argue its matter of fate that is they are destined to do so and thus its bound to happen.

To the certain extent yes but would it be possible without getting inspired and inheriting will? No. Zoro got inspired by kuina, Luffy by shanks, Nami and Robin by their mothers, Chopper by Dr. Hiriluk and Dr.kureha,franky by Tom.

These inspirations gave them direction, a path to walk upon. But what inspiration and destiny would do if one doesn't have will power to pursue freedom? What dreams one can fulfill, if one doesn't have will power to never give up in darkest of times and harshest of circumstances?

It's because of SHs never giving up attitude because of their unfathomable will power to pursue their freedom with hope and beliefs, we will see their dreams coming true.

It's because of this pursuit, we will see their destiny becoming a reality. It's because of this they will re-write the history.

And, of course the plot armor Lmao

That's why I think we have this quote in one piece

"Inherited Will, The Destiny of Age and the dreams of the people. As long as people will pursue true meaning of freedom, these things will never cease to exist" - Gol D. Roger
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@hades and @Edward Teach here it is.

Pardon lack of coherence and for writing so many words. I still didn't cover concept of justice to cut short on the content. And, I didn't knew this would be so damn tiring.

Post your own opinion below. Would like to read different perspectives.
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Nice work. :cheers:
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Also, one suggestion. Quotes written in Black, change em to like Green or something, they ain't as visible in dark theme, especially if one is outside in daylight.