@Light D Lamperouge
You're pathetic.

The guy posted the true translation, it says ''former'' rival.
You think Shanks and mihawk are still rivals?
Shanks: you come here to duel?
mihawk: *he makes an excuse*
There is no rivalry anymore.
Even Kaido and Big mom are better rivals, they fight whenever they want.
mihawk accepted vista as a rival when the moment he recognized his sword skills and he proposed to postpone the duel, meaning that they will duel with vista in the future, they are rivals.
You lost your mind if you think mihawk was superior to vista when
he asks permission to postpone the duel.
That's dumb, because Kuina believes men are superior to women in everything, not only sword. If Kuina was a martial artist she would say the same things, lmao. Swordsmanship is just a fighting style, stop being dumb.
Even the translator said mihawk doesn't beat Fujitora due to his sword title
''Shanks a Yonko, pulling out his sword in every on panel clash/fight/preparation for a fight ''
This is really retarded.

You think you know everything about Shanks? Because he stopped Akainu and challenged WB? What if WB did the same with his bisento when he stopped Akainu? You were going to say WB has nothing but his bisento because that's what they showed us.
Even E.Oda says Shanks' fighting style is a mystery, you on ther other hand, Zoro mihawk troll believe that you know everything about Shanks because that retarded logic helps you to wank Zoro / mihawk.