Questions & Mysteries How will you rank the Family heads now?

--Now that we get to see most of what Traumerei and Gustang can do and even got an example of how powerful eurasia is , how will you rank them?

My ranking --

1) Arie hon
2) Khun Eduan
3) Ha yurin

The above 3 are said to have strongest Families and data eduan was able to at least hold his own against data zahard for sometime. Even zahard mentions how hon and Khun families are too powerful to get involved in gustang situation.

4) Eurasia (Even a small spark of her power was enough to dominate Traumerei who is at full power)
5) Traumerei
6) Gustang
7) Hendo lock ( Was paired to Khun eduan as a team)
8) Yirang
9) Arie han
10) Tu Perie Tperie (Light bearer)


@Shadowlord123 @Greenbeard @NAMELESS @Welkin @Cinera @Worst @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Minatoze Narutomaki @Ha Yuri Zahard @Flower @Tai long @Haoshoku @Marimo_420 @Medeia @LogicoftheVI etc
First the big 3 most likely - Hon, Eduan and Yurin. Strongest Families, highest ranks, most hyped weapons (White Oar and Mago) and are said to be the strongest of the FHs in melee. SIU is continuously setting them apart from the rest.

Blossom is probably next for now. Her battle capabilities were said to be above Gustang's, and she's the best Wave Controller of the group, with Gustang being jealous of her talents. A spark of her flame got insane portrayal during the Traumerei and Gustang fight, so there's that.

Next I would put Ari Han, Traumerei and Yirang (not in order). The Ari Family was said to be particularily strong by SIU. Traumerei so far had an advantage over Gustang despite not being at full power (missing Leviathan). Yirang, from the old blogpost, is a combination of Fisherman, Wave Controller and Flame User; very battle oriented positioning.

Lastly there'd be more the support types. Hendo (Defender), Gustang (Support Wave Controller) and Tperie (Light Bearer). I'm a bit iffy about Hendo; I think he could potentially be higher.

Since most of the FHs are featless, and I think Gustang and Traumerei have yet to go all-out, there's room for part of this list to change significantly.

Also, compatibility matters. Even if I ranked them like this, it's possible some of the "lower" ones could beat "higher" ones if they have a good match-up.