HxH 391 Spoilers

From 4chan:

No famous characters appear in the contentious story of the yakuza family

The color is Gon (rock-paper-scissors goo) and Yusuke (reimaru fingertip reservoir)

The Xi-Yu family people split into two groups. Zakuro and Lynch search for Hisoka while Hinrigh chases the pretty girl from Heil-Ly. Zakuro's ability is explained: each drop of his blood has eyes and can be used for reconnaissance. The blood drops can move around until they run out of fuel (Nen), which is around 30 to 40 minutes.

Hinrigh checks the cameras of some passengers until he finds a photo that captured the Heil-Ly girl walking into Passage #64. He borrows the camera from the passengers (paying them money for insurance), and turns it into a cat to watch over the passageway.

Three Heil-Ly guys tail Hinrigh. They seem wary of Hinrigh because of his En, which has a radius of around 5 meters. One of them (name: Padoille?) who is a Conjurer volunteers to go first. His ability turns his body into weapons.

Padoille's surprise attack from behind fails as Hinrigh incapacitates him using handcuffs, which he has turned into surveillance pigeons beforehand. A fight ensues, but Hinrigh effortlessly kills Padoille. The remaining two guys from Heil-Ly escape and go back to await orders from Morena.

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