General & Others Is Delaying Top Tiers Prowess Level a Good Choice?

I've been thinking lately about two characters that Oda has been saving and is trying to hard to reserve their showings and how powerful they are:

1- Shanks
2- Dragon

I was thinking that those two characters hold GREAT SIGNIFICANCE relating to Luffy. And I was always imagining that by the time Oda displays one of those two characters going all out, it will be a show that will make us say "Luffy, you still got LONG WAY to go"

However, at the rate this story is going, and at the rate Luffy is progressing where he might actually become a "true legitimate" Yonko soon. Wouldn't that make us discredit or diminish how impactful the future showings of both Shanks (Luffy's idol) and Dragon (Luffy's father)!

Understand this, Luffy meeting Shanks, based on the plot, should happen when Luffy is at the "SAME LEVEL" as Shanks. That's what their promise is based on! Shanks refused to meet him in Marineford because he was not great as him. When Luffy started to be recognized as "fifth empreror". It's not a confirmed legitimate title yet, Shanks said he will meet him soon. So, when the time is right, it should be when both are at same level.

With that being said, DO YOU THINK that it's right from Oda that he delayed the showings of Shanks and Dragon???

Don't you think by the time Luffy meets both of them, him being as good as them will make us, the viewers not be as interested in their power level as we are NOW!

I personally believe that Oda should make sure to display Shanks and Dragon fighting at full power, BEFORE Luffy meets anyone of them and before Luffy reaches their level.

Otherwise, they will feel underwhelming in some way.

This is honestly can be said about "shichibukai new bounties" as an example!

How could people be so invested in the shicibukai new bounty when Oda already revealed Yonko and Roger and WB bounties before them!

I think Oda should have revealed the shichibukai first, THEN the Yonko and then WB and Roger. Otherwise, Shichibukai new bounty will not have as much weight/impact.

The good thing for Shichibukai though is that Mihawk as a CHANCE to go all out soon since he's being hunted now, and display his full power and skills BEFORE Zoro reaches a level to contend with him. That is exactly what I'm saying regarding Shanks/Dragon with Luffy.

I think Oda should make sure to display their level before Luffy reaches their level, otherwise, PEOPLE WILL HATE on their showings if the first thing they can do is "equal" to what Luffy can do!

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
However, at the rate this story is going, and at the rate Luffy is progressing where he might actually become a "true legitimate" Yonko soon. Wouldn't that make us discredit or diminish how impactful the future showings of both Shanks (Luffy's idol) and Dragon (Luffy's father)!
Only in the One Piece Fandom lol.

In a normal Fandom, Luffy being = to Shanks and Dragon in power would serve to hype Luffy as having reached the top of the power scale.

In the One Piece Fandom, "Lol Shanks and Dragon are trash, they can't even surpass current Luffy. Insert Over-Wanked Character would smash them both."

To answer the question in a more in depth way, Imagine people saying Kidd Buu was weak or unimpressive because by the time we saw his power, Goku could fight on par with him. It's a pretty dumb argument that misses the entire point of Goku spending years escalating his power level. Same thing with Dragon and Shanks. If Top Tier Luffy is = to them by the time we see their power, that doesn't diminish their strength, it highlights Luffy's.

But again, we are not in a normal fandom lol.
Only in the One Piece Fandom lol.

In a normal Fandom, Luffy being = to Shanks and Dragon in power would serve to hype Luffy as having reached the top of the power scale.

In the One Piece Fandom, "Lol Shanks and Dragon are trash, they can't even surpass current Luffy. Insert Over-Wanked Character would smash them both."

To answer the question in a more in depth way, Imagine people saying Kidd Buu was weak or unimpressive because by the time we saw his power, Goku could fight on par with him. It's a pretty dumb argument that misses the entire point of Goku spending years escalating his power level. Same thing with Dragon and Shanks. If Top Tier Luffy is = to them by the time we see their power, that doesn't diminish their strength, it highlights Luffy's.

But again, we are not in a normal fandom lol.
Well yeah!
It's because I know how our fandom reacts that I wrote this thread haha
Schibukai bounty being revealed before Yonkous, agree that would have been good choice.

Now there bounties are gonna feel underwhelming and most wouldn't take into account, it not only dpend on individual strength but also crew, territories and threat to WG. And their bounty have been frozen for years nw and they have been no threat to WG.

I think Luffy meeting Shanks would only mean Luffy is also a Yonkou nw, and so on equal standing with Shanks, not that they are exactly equal thn.
Rather keeping Shanks and especially Dragon Powerlevel mystery at this point works in their favour, since to keep em plot relevant, Oda would have to introduce em as very powerful characters to keep relevance with thn story.

The more characters are reserved for EoS, stronger they usually are.