Is it possible to have a time limit for the auto-merge function?

Auto-merge is a pain in the arse to deal with in low activity threads or a long dead thread you want to revive but you were the last bloke to post in it. That said, it is there to prevent spam post abuse from forum troglodytes with too much time on their hands.

If you do want to revive an old thread though (and you were the last poster) then you have to go ask another user to post something and they'll post a post that usually just says "Filler". It gets the job done I guess.

Rather than all that however, would it be possible to have posts be auto-merged but only within a certain time limit (say like 72+ hours or something) and beyond that, a new post won't merge with the last post?

If it is possible then this could get around the no notification problem of auto-merge, keep rampant spam down and allow folk who don't spam to revive threads without requesting another user's assistance.

That sounds like a win-win outcome to me if it is possible. :pepebusi:

Some Tags:
@Bogard @TheAncientCenturion @RayanOO @Jiihad @Natalija @Van