--Not taking phantaminium or enryu , more and more urek is getting the hype of current strongest and being unbeatable.
--Now it can be due to Zahard and other FHs not being active but still let it be Fug or second in command of power bidau family, they all hype urek as unbeatable.
--I personally had current Zahard as strongest given he maybe endgame villain but all these statements can't be ignored.
@Shadowlord123 @Greenbeard @NAMELESS @Welkin @Cinera @Worst @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Minatoze Narutomaki @Ha Yuri Zahard @Flower @Tai long @Haoshoku @Marimo_420 @Medeia @LogicoftheVI @Cruxroux etc

--Now it can be due to Zahard and other FHs not being active but still let it be Fug or second in command of power bidau family, they all hype urek as unbeatable.
--I personally had current Zahard as strongest given he maybe endgame villain but all these statements can't be ignored.
@Shadowlord123 @Greenbeard @NAMELESS @Welkin @Cinera @Worst @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Minatoze Narutomaki @Ha Yuri Zahard @Flower @Tai long @Haoshoku @Marimo_420 @Medeia @LogicoftheVI @Cruxroux etc