Speculations Is Yamato being set-up to confront the Blackbeard Pirates by the end of the cover story?

We've had bbp visit or invade every island that Shs have been into in the NW except PH

DR : Burgess
WCi : Kuzan and Van
Egghead : Van and Cresectn Moon

So yeah, we might see BBP invading Wano to get Pluton
They might capture Yamato
Hopefully BB only has a few commanders go and the strongest members don't all embark or Wano is fucked beyond belief
It's probably gonna be Sanjuan, Kuzan, and/or Augur.
Something like that.
And they'll only be fended off by Yamato Momo and the Scabbards, not defeated, for obvious reasons.
Cover would prob end with them near Wano possibly.

If it’s only some members, then maybe that’s how Momo proves himself to Yamato that he can defend Wano like he said he would.
The BBPs really don't need even more antifeats, even if Momo is likely already stronger than everyone below Pizarro.