Questions & Mysteries Jimbei bounty makes no sense

Jimbei bounty was not increased since Marineford war. His accomplishments since then were already huge.

And then, we are ignoring that Luffy had an increase of 1 billion after WCI. And we know, that Jimbei was a major part of it, stalling Big Mom, making the strawhats escape and he was not credit for it.

So maybe with those feats, he already should had been 900 million.
You have to remember that the bounty reflects not just their strength but also their overall threat to the world government, Jinbe's bounty is lower than he deserves in terms of strength because he peacefully turned himself in when he left the 7 warlords as a part of his protest to Ace's execution. Jinbe overall wants peace and equality for fishmen he's not like arlong or hortey who are fishmen supremacists.
Guys relax... This is Oda. Did you think he would make Sanji make fun of Zoro's bounty just for Zoro to surpass him later? Nope he has to make a twist to make it "Funny". We all know that Sanji will surpass Jimbei later so why the fuss about this now?

Crocodile's bounty even makes less sense lol :suresure:
Mastermind that almost took over a country without the government knowing which they also uncovered that he had Robin and they should know by then that he seeked the poneglyphs which makes him dangerous to their rule and not to forget that Crocodile has one of the best 1 shot abilities in the verse. Then later hes being associated with Buggy and Mihawk... If you think he should get a lesser bounty than what he has now. I mean compared to Boa and Jimbei Crocodile is more dangerous not physically but overall dangerous.
I think people should understand by now that

1. Those three's bounties are chosen because of their associated numbers, Zoro's (11.11) and Sanji's birthdays (3.2), and Jinbe nakama number & SBS number (10). Otherwise why Jinbe so low when Hancock is that high.

2. It plays reference to Sanji having the 4th highest bounty like previous two times.

3. There must be different bounty "reactions" among the SH. There's some who is happy, some who is indifferent, so of course there must be someone who angry.
Bro any real fan will recognize that wano was a bigger ennies lobby for sanji. Sharing so many parralels with the black maria/khalifa parralel or the king and queen/jabra and kaku parralels. Saving momo/usopp and franky

This reminds of the 2200 2180 doriki showing. Everything's there for it. I even theorized that sanji would get a bounty 1 million less than zoro.

I think oda did this to troll the fuck out of sanjis fans and gave it to jimbei. He knows another "2200 2180" incident would be a condemning answer for the sanji vs zoro arguments.
Especially after the "wings" statement. Can't feed sanji fans too much

Just my opinion. I could be wrong
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