Kouyoku vs Gyou'un

S1: Kouyoku army gets destroyed. I don't think he can escape Gyou'Un and the Rai'un unit plus the 10 spears. If he has Hakurei army support from the side then he might escape.

S2: Depending on how strong he got now, if he is on par with the Qin 3 then he can beat Gyou'Un extreme diff.
S1: Kouyoku army gets destroyed. I don't think he can escape Gyou'Un and the Rai'un unit plus the 10 spears. If he has Hakurei army support from the side then he might escape.

S2: Depending on how strong he got now, if he is on par with the Qin 3 then he can beat Gyou'Un extreme diff.
Are these two statements not a contradiction? If he is on par with the Q3 as per the bottom, why would he get destroyed as per the top?

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
We need more feats of tactics from Yoku, there’s little reason to assume he can tactically compete with Gyou’Un who was one of the more monstrous tacticians we’ve seen.

Round 1: Gyou’Un high diffs giving Yoku benefit of the doubt
Round 2: Either way
Armies: Gyouun's army would have no trouble whatsoever, vast difference in experience and quality.
Duel: Kouyoku kinda gave Tou a run for his money, and as he's a future rival to Q3 I think he should take this.
Also worthy of note that Gyouun's main strength came from his master's vision regarding the Shukai plains.
S1 : Armies. Gyou'un would destroying here for sure. Lol

S2 : KyouYoku. I believe he was already giving quite a good time to a Martial GG in Coalition and now he should definitely has improved.
I think Kouyoku would surprise a few in a battle. This guy is a parallel to the Qin new gen and if Gyou'un's army would bowl him over, why didn't Tou do that at Juuko when it was 10k vs 10k?
In a duel, I wouldn't be surprised if Kouyoku takes it. Dude's a beast of a fighter (heck he was very impressive as far back as the time of the Coalition - and he has obviously been improving since then). Not many people are going to best current Kouyoku 1vs1.

In a war with equalized forces, based on what we've seen until now, Gyou’Un. That being said sooner or later Kouyoku is going to be above people like Gyou’Un.