Break Week Let's go down the rabbit hole with Sanji!

Various myths, references, and Easter eggs are always fun, right? The issue is trying to make sense of all the connections you find after and not end up looking like a conspiracy web board. So, after jotting all my thoughts down messily, much to the chagrin of Twitter followers. I think I finally have them organized enough for here.

Vinsmoke Sora:
Sora in Japanese means sky but can also mean heavens or air.
–Just like Uranus who is known as the Roman Primordial Personification of the sky and heavens.

Now the Vinsmoke Siblings's eyebrows all rotate in a clockwise direction outward, while Sanji's rotate counterclockwise. This is in itself an important fact to take notice of, as it matches the rotation of the planets.
–All planets in the Solar System aside from 2 rotate counterclockwise.
-The two that don't? Uranus and Venus who rotate clockwise, like the siblings and Sanji when he reverses it.

-Venus being the God of Love, hottest planet in the solar system, and orange in color.
-Uranus being the God of Sky, coldest planet in the solar system, bluish in color and associated with electricity.

Tinfoil hat: Sora must be daughter of the Gorosei Venus, linking the weapon Uranus to Sanji. Not only does his eyebrows which Oda mentioned in SBS with 'rotation' of planets reverses to the rotation of both Venus/Uranus, but he also has both orange and blue flames, lightning, and claims his fire to be from love.

But that's not all!

Venus is also known as Lucifer or morning star or light bringer, the herald of the dawn. Lucifer being a simile with the devil in biblical religions thus linking it to serpents (we'll get back to that) and demons.

Usopp in the Duval chapters, mentions Sanji must be born under a miracle star. The morning star being the brightest luminary after the Sun and the Moon.

To herald the dawn you would have to bring the sun, or in other words, be the wings of Luffy.

But that's not all.

Bigger tin foil hat: Venus in Roman myth has children with either Mars or Vulcan, the first being God of War, the second God of Fire.

If we go with Lunarian hints (Fire Source, Cover of the issue the Diable Jambe appears in, Kamen Rider(coming later)), then it could very well be the case Venus had a matchup or fling or something with a Lunarian at one point before they were gone, and Sora the product of that, but she showed no traits(skipped a generation) so she was left alone.

..But how/why did she ever meet Judge? And what about Lunarians being brown/white hair?

That, first we need to explore Judge references and Germa references, the latter going into Theosophy and Nazi beliefs(purely for mythological reasons.)

Vinsmoke Judge
Title - Garuda, source Hinduism, but also … Journey to the West, huh???

First of all, Garuda from Hinduism: fire king of birds, mount of the sun god Vishnu, super fast, can stop the spinning of heaven, earth, and hell (there's that planetary rotation mentioned again), annnd mortal enemies of the Naga. Snakes. Remember that Snake connection with Venus? Yeah, I'm turning Sanji into Zuko. Warring bloodlines.

Mount of the sun god, parallels that herald of the dawn.

But back to Judge, Garuda the golden eagle as I recently researched, has a counterpart in Journey to the West known as Peng.

This is actually interesting because in JttW, Peng was born from the Phoenix (mythical fiery bird anyone) and is brother to the Peacock (More about that in the Arabasta part).

In the lore, after the Peacock tried to eat the Buddha, he wanted to kill her but the deities stopped him so she became his god mother, her brother Peng becoming his uncle and being granted a lofty position beside the throne.
Peng, gained an ego from that and after a later act was exiled to earth.

Peng in lore used a ji (chinese spear) as a weapon. And who all has ji at the end of their names aside from Sora? Vinsmokes. Judge also using a spear. Sanji being compared to a spear.

Also, Germa's symbol being a golden eagle, leans to this too.

But that's not all!

Zeus/Jupiter had a Golden Eagle as a pet, messenger, envoy who was in some myths said to be a king he turned into a bird when people started worshipping it.

So if Sora was the daughter of Venus, she could have met Judge if Germa was a kingdom that worked close to the Gorosei at one point.

But, that's also not all.

Judge's first concept design was named Saint Germain, saint only ever being used for Celestial Dragons, Saint Germain also being the name of a famous immortal alchemist in Theosophic myth.

Immortal alchemist, Garuda in legend having stolen an elixir of immortality. Jupiter's gold eagle having been punished for being worshipped LIKE a god.

Vinsmokes as false Celestial Dragons at one point? Much like York?

Last, Judge's eyebrows were a secret kept by Oda to the point he hid them everytime they'd be revealed. By shadow, mask, or bandage. When we finally got them recently, they were shown to look like Nika's and other various mythical Zoan 'gods.'

This shape, very much like the headpiece in JttW to control Wukong. What this part means, I'm still speculating.

Germa and Arabasta
As mentioned above, In JttW, Peng is brother to the Peacock, god mother to Buddha.
-Who is frequently associated with Peacocks? Vivi.
--But did you know Vivi is 66 in Roman numerals? VIVI
-And that her last name Nefertari, is an Egyptian queen who's tomb was known as QV66?

Then of course, her father is named Cobra, serpents and naga again.
I wonder if Judge has a frenemies relationship with Cobra.
One being a family part of the 20 Kingdoms who refused being a CD, the other being a false wannabe CD but haughty.

Kamen Rider and Nazi's, but also maybe Napoleon.

Kamen Rider: Saw on reddit, did further research. Germa66 is based off of the KR bad guy group known as Shocker a group of bad guys based on Nazi's who did animal dna and cybernetic experiments on their victims.

They also used an eagle emblem.

Then Sanji being like Kamen Rider BlackRX, who had two forms of:
Biorider(Prince of Anger): Speed increase at strength/durability decrease.
Roborider(Prince of Sadness): Strength/Durability increase at speed decrease.
Which Reddit didn't point out, mirrors exactly how Lunarians work.

Germa66 and Theosophy
Alright so, now we get into the gritty references which I will preface of, this is just mythological beliefs that the Nazi's also believed in and is just mentioned to show reference points and nothing more.

So, Theosophy. We already know Germa is supposed to be Nazi-like, warmongers, conquerors, Germ(an), etc.

But if we go with Lunarians, we can also use Nazi belief in reference to why Sora wouldn't look like King.

Mainly, the idea in Theosophy of 'root races,' 7 races they believed humans to evolve through, the ever unpopular Aryan being one of them. In the belief, it is said those of Aryan race migrated to both India (the darker features) and Europe (the nordic features,) which makes it where both Sora and King could very well both be Lunarian (Sora's hair is somewhat like King's, as well as older Sanji's).

What convinces me more of this is in comparing Lunarians to one of the races that came before Aryans, the Lemurians, or people of Atlantis.

Lemuria being another name for Atlantis, and an even rarer name for it, Mu.

Yes, Mu. The name coined by the famous Theosophist Churchward, who claimed to have gained possession of tablets in a dead language that only a few knew how to read (sound familiar? Poneglyphs lol?)

The tablets, as said by Churchward, detailed the creation of the world and the workings of Mu. Mu, was for all purposes said by him, to be an ancient super advanced scientific civilization on a super continent of thousands of years ago. Now that sounds familiar.

Hey, 56, Gomu. Go Mu.

Also, the god of Mu as said by Churcward was known as Ra Mu 'son of the sun' (in the language of Mu Churchward says), Ra Mu can also be 66 in Goroawase.

And, Mu also has all kinds of sun iconography as their main source of deities and beliefs. Y'know, like a certain emblem everywhere.

This isn't about all the connections of Mu and OP though.

Either way, so Ra Mu being 66.

Tinfoil hat: The original Vinsmokes, back 300 years ago and even further may have had ties to the Ancient Kingdom, perhaps being Garuda, they were the army or envoys of the Sun God or of the rulers.

Which ties back to last triple tinfoil hat:
-Corazon told Law that the world is always sending saviors to those of the D.
--Even before meeting Luffy, Sanji was being saved by others in impossible odds. Zeff on the rock stated he had 'some luck.'
-Sanji like Luffy is always turning enemies to allies and gathering people.
--Perhaps a Vinsmoke married a D long before Judge.

Which makes: Love, Venus, Uranus, Fire, Lightning, D, Lunarians, Sky, Heavens, Demons, Kings, and Celestial Dragons all having been associated with Sanji at some point or another in connected references.

And that's my down the rabbit hole with D-Lunarian-Garuda-Naga Sanji.

I'll add pictures later when I've had sleep.
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Oda scratched the idea of Judge being a Celestial Dragon, meaning that some point, Oda will reuse the idea but in a different way.

Now, if the timeline matches, hopefully my theory of Sora being a former Celestial Dragon theory comes true and there are 2 different branches of Vinsmoke families. One being Judge's family and the other is Sora's family. One family fought for the 20 Kingdoms which later turned into the World Government. Other family fought alongside Ancient Kingdom.

I'mma sit back and let fate do the thing.
Oda scratched the idea of Judge being a Celestial Dragon, meaning that some point, Oda will reuse the idea but in a different way.

Now, if the timeline matches, hopefully my theory of Sora being a former Celestial Dragon theory comes true and there are 2 different branches of Vinsmoke families. One being Judge's family and the other is Sora's family. One family fought for the 20 Kingdoms which later turned into the World Government. Other family fought alongside Ancient Kingdom.

I'mma sit back and let fate do the thing.
I somewhat touched on that.

Sora - Daughter of Venus(Naga ties) and a Lunarian
Judge - Garuda Ancient Kingdom Lineage and D.

The references were how, why, and where it connects.
Your theory is that a Gorosei got a godlike giant black female with wings pregnant and the result was a tiny little white blonde baby with no wings or powers?
Cockroaches have exoskeletons too, would you call the Vinsmoke siblings cockroaches if Oda confirmed that they have cockroach blood? :quest:
No, I said the Lunarians are like Lemurians in the 7 root race theories of Theosophy. It split down into two lines of Aryans, the ones who went to India (darker ones), and the ones who went to Europe(lighter ones) but whatever this world and its races equivalent are. The only reason the Seraph are the darker line is because King is, there's literally atm only one sample to clone.

The other line is probably hidden or unknown as of now and would be the one Sora was parented from.
Ok,I like this theory, that Sora could be decident of Venus, but here comes some issues wigh a theory:

Sora is the name of Marine hero who was Vinsmoke enemy.

Now as you mention reason why Judge married girl with same name as Marrine hero was because of fact that this name comes from celestial dragon, descedants of Venus by tradition.

But here's more, how Judge who basically was no one build Germa 66 kingdom and married celestial dragon?

My take here is that Vinsmoke familly are decidents of Venus, and like Donquihote part of family(Doffy's father) they leaved Marijoa, but for different reason. Doffy's father leave Marijoa, case he wanted to be a human, while Vinsmokes probably missed feel of dominance over whole North Blue.

Now, why I said Vinsmokes? I believe that Sora is actually Judge sister, yes I believe in incest tradition in royal family, which was known fact in history.

Now talking about Vinsmokes and D. Family, I also believe in their connection as well as Nefertari family, but in the end both Vinsmokes and Nefertari choised to oppose Ancient Kingdom.

Also it was nice to read about Garuda and other references.
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This is something new I noticed:

This Spear in the CS for chpt431 is the same as the Jaya map. One gold eye, one dead eye. The spear has Nika, other mythical Zoan, and Judge's eyebrows and looks like it's a bird face with the beak. Also the red scarf reminds me of Stealth Black.

Luffy in the CS is wielding it while stepping on a snake. Garuda and Naga references again? Combined with spears once more.

I found nothing significant in the chapter itself aside from mentioning of the adam wood and Garp's fists of love. But if I flip 431 to 134, we get the chapter about Dr.Kureha who herself is 908. Ku Re Ha. Go to chapt 908, and we get the Reverie with Gorosei and Imu.

Aside from that, the scene with Duval and the mask, while we know it was a reference to Sanji's childhood now, it has a rooster or birds crown and a red sash. Along with fire above where the left eye would be.

Similiar to Garuda again, birds, Stealth Black and eyes.

Going with birds and roosters, Shiki (who people say Judge is a discount of in jest) compared himself to a chicken in SW when the wheel gave him a roosters crown.
Strangely, for some reason, Duval was shown in that chapter as well. Along with Boa (snakes).
Strong World itself being about animals which fits the original CS above.

Then of course, Sanji is associated to both Garuda and Roosters in a CS once. And now the COCKING (rooster king?) Book.

I don't know about anyone else, but with all the Garuda and Naga imagery, I'm starting to put more belief in vegapank's mythical fiery bird claims.
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Now, why I said Vinsmokes? I believe that Sora is actually Judge sister, yes I believe in incest tradition in royal family, which was known fact in history.

Now talking about Vinsmokes and D. Family, I also believe in their connection as well as Nefertari family, but in the end both Vinsmokes and Nefertari choised to oppose Ancient Kingdom.

Also it was nice to read about Garuda and other references.
Not a huge fan of the incest thing.

I think Judge and Sora are from two different Vinsmoke family branches and got arranged marriage (parallel to Sanji and Pudding).