Mind body and spirit/soul are the 3 things that define life

At the same time it doesn’t necessarily mean all 3 are necessary. Kuma lost his mind and is just a body but still able to “live”. Vegapunks original body is dead went his mind is still alive. Then theirs brook and the homies which are just souls inside inanimate objects for the most part

Tho as I’m typing this maybe instead of being a Venn diagram with 3 separate circles it’s just 2. With the body and mind being a circle each and the soul/spirit being in the middle being a part of both idk
All that just to say I think devil fruits and haki follow the same pattern

Haki being an extension of each
- Observation being of the mind
- Armament being of the body
- Conquerors being of the spirit/soul

Devil fruits in a way also fit the whole mind body and spirit/soul trifecta
- Paramecia being powers that enhance the mind. Them being all about dreams and creativity
- Zoans being powers that enhances the body. That being pretty self explanatory
- Logia potentially being powers that enhances the spirit/soul. Maybe changing your spirit to reflect that natural force
It also applies to the awakenings of those fruits. While yes you need your body and mind to catch up to the powers the powers you get still reflect each
- Paramecia awakenings allow you to in a way expand your mind to affect things in your surroundings. Including inanimate objects
- Zoan awakenings just gives you access to an overall stronger better transformation enhancing your body further
- Logia awakenings although we don’t have any confirmation what it is yet it probably relates to the spirit. If the theory of them being able to make separate living things based on their logia powers similar to big moms homies it’d make sense tho. It basically giving life/soul/spirit or whatever you want to call it to their powers

Maybe that’s why vegapunk struggles with making logia. Because it isn’t something you can physically effect really