Theory Momo heard Shirahoshi and sea kings coming Wano

Shirahoshi will save luffy and will come with all the sea kings to destroy the border of wano.

Momonosuke was hearing voices. Very loud noises. It might be sea kings and shirahoshi coming to wano.

Shirahoshi came Wano after hearing what happened to Vivi and her kingdom. She realised that Fishmans are in danger and based on the prophecy JoyBoy has to destroy fishman island . Joyboy is Luffy. Momonosuke tells luffy that in the diary the Fishman Island is connected to Wano. Sea kings will try to destroy Wano but Kaido protects it and takes down the sea kings one by one. Oden tells kaido that he needs to be stronger. I think he is talking about to get stronger to protect wano because he will be defeated. Luffy finds the layer that connects wano to fishman island and once he destroys that. Fishman island will be destroyed. The reason why Kaido protects wano is because becoming the ruler of Wano can make his chances to find One piece even higher. He wanted to make wano the home base for pirates. He will then strengthen his crew. Kaido was aware that Joyboy will one day appear and destroy Wano.
Possible. Zunisha is 100% not It. Besides being ilogical, momo already Heard zunisha Voice, so he wouldnt be asking " whos this" if was him.

So that leaves only the sea kings with or without shiraroshi or the land of wano really being a giant turtle.

Theres no more options for us to think than that.