Who will be the next SH?

  • Bonney

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  • Carrot

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  • Kinemon

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  • Smoker

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  • Tashigi

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All 3 of these characters you just mentioned are indeed irrelevant now :kata:
Wano is relevant to the end game thanks to Pluton, ancient kingdom lore, and some unresolved mysteries and plotlines.

We know very well that Yamato and Tama are basically confirmed crewmates. This thread's still open purely for the sake of uselessly arguing about who will join the crew.
I wouldn't be so sure about Yamato since when she asked Luffy his first response was saying that she couldn't be Oden, and she's trying to be more like Oden right now. But I guess you're free to argue uselessly, at least her chances aren't 0 like carrot's.
Wano is relevant to the end game thanks to Pluton, ancient kingdom lore, and some unresolved mysteries and plotlines.

I wouldn't be so sure about Yamato since when she asked Luffy his first response was saying that she couldn't be Oden, and she's trying to be more like Oden right now. But I guess you're free to argue uselessly, at least her chances aren't 0 like carrot's.
I was trying to vouch for you cause they started clowning on you but thanks for nothing:kriwhat:
Wano is relevant to the end game thanks to Pluton, ancient kingdom lore, and some unresolved mysteries and plotlines.

I wouldn't be so sure about Yamato since when she asked Luffy his first response was saying that she couldn't be Oden, and she's trying to be more like Oden right now. But I guess you're free to argue uselessly, at least her chances aren't 0 like carrot's.
And it’ll be great to see whoever comes take the pluton merc Yamato and maybe even tama.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Barking's not enough
"What enormous beasts! It feels like we're back in the Jungles of Elbaf!"


Look out, Sanji, there's a new Number 4 on the crew!

Like, if Tama took control over all of the Giant Beasts on Elbaf... does she just solo the Beast Pirates, excluding Kaido, Yamato, and King?

The Giants are STRONG, their captains are literally clashing with the Gorosei. If they respect the beasts on their island, a good number of them together would be a serious force. Jack couldn't handle two Sulong Minks that were low Yonkou Commander level out of Sulong, and Queen couldn't beat Marco or Sanji when in a 2v1 with King's help, neither are clearing 100 giant animals at a time.

Is Sulong Inu, who beat Jack, that much stronger than 10 giant animals? Think of the Sea Beasts, but on land. That's probably what we're going to be seeing in Elbaf. Enel, Luffy, Zoro, and Wyper couldn't do serious damage to Nola, the giant snake in Skypiea.

Like, imagine a Gifter against Nola from Skypiea. Nola survived THIS from Enel.

Nami with Zeus was wrecking Beast Pirate Tobi Roppo... you imagine what Enel could do to the Beast Pirates?

You give Tama Nola in Wano, and the Gifters are just getting eaten like Luffy, Aisa, Pierre, Gan Fall, and Nami in Skypiea. The Giants Beasts of Elbaf are used to fighting Giants, they should be either near, or above, Nola's level, and the level of the animals of Rusukaina. Keep in mind 500 of Rusukaina's large animals were stronger than post-Marineford Luffy, who had beaten two Shichibukai, Enel, the government's most feared assassin, Lucci, and survived three different encounters with all three Admirals, as well as the Fleet Admiral.

Considering the Giants were familiar with Warcury's CoC Roar, I wouldn't be surprised if the Giant Animals on Elbaf just straight up possessed Haki, and could do similar attacks to Warcury, just weaker.

If Tama gets to Elbaf, she will become a legitimate threat. Not all the animals would choose to remain as her friend, but, I can see Tama taming at least a few heavy hitters. Maybe like a Pokemon team's worth, 4-6???

PokeTrainer Beast Tamer, Kunoichi Tama, wants to battle! Poke-mon-go!

Thank you, Dorry and Brogy, for giving me the gift of Yonkou Commander Tama shit-posting again, HUZZAH!!!!

End of Series Tama will have a more powerful beast army than Kaido...
