Powers & Abilities No the Calamities are not Just Mere Brawlers


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
This was originally going to be a reply in another thread, but I spent so long working on it that I decided to just make it a thread in its own right. I address only King and Queen (mainly because the original thread was about them and I couldn't be bothered to extend my post to cover Jack as well, but also because Jack involves more speculation that is not needed for the other calamities).

but they are zoan, it should be strength based, so brawlers type or swordsman with insane strength.
Their epithets suggests they are much more than just that. Queen is stated to be a skilled craftsman who develops "mechanical weapons" and "infectious diseases":

His epithet is "The Plague":

We've seen the disastrous effects of some of his weapons already. He created bullets that spread a super plague on contact:

The plague was severe enough to fell even Luffy:

He is proficient enough in engineering bioweapons to create shells with 200 times the viral load of his bullets.

Even 20 years ago, he seemed to use plague infused weaponry:

King on his part is "The Wildfire":

He probably has similar abilities to what his epithet suggests. 20 years ago, during the war with Oden, he appeared to be using fire based attacks (generating substantial amounts of fire).

He may have had the ability to create fires that last for days:

There is still more that we haven't seen from the calamities, but at this point it is extremely clear that they are not mere "brawlers". Based only off what we've seen so far, their devil fruits may not contribute the bulk of their combat abilities.
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I didn't say they were mere brawlers but that they rely on strength and durability which are zoan main attributes.
To me they will be like jack but a level above. And jack uses weapons and gas. But what he's praised for is his strength and durability.

Poison weapons and the fire are most likely to wipe out the fodders and to destroy places.
Their DF's probably allow them to fight like Brawlers, but in their everyday lives/forms they probably fight with the obvious stuff that we've been told.

Off Topic; I saw this panel and I couldn't help but think, Geez Tama looks like she's got long legs, in comparison to "Momo", I think she's gonna be one of those "TALL" Wano women when she gets older.

Turns out Queen was Franky's opponent all along due to his mechanical inventions, Kaido's son is a meticulous, crafty ladies man, and finally Ace exists (assuming its not the son), stronger than everyone except the Yonko and a basically runs the entire crew, making the battles ACTUALLY:

- Luffy vs. "Ace" (Luffy's first battle, Kaido/BM will be a full blown teamup)
- Zoro vs. King (seems to be the swordsman type)
- Sanji vs. Kaido's Son :myman:
- Jinbe vs. Smoothie (JUICY battle amirite)
- Franky vs. Queen (mechanical battle)
- Inu/Neko vs. Jack
- Remaining 5 Strawhats/Remaining 6 Supernova/Remaining 6 Scabbards+Shinobu/Allies Neko brings vs. the Flying 5 (cause we know Drake is gonna ditch them), the 5 strongest BM children (Pero, Snack, Oven, Daifuku, Campote), 9 Numbers, Orochi, Mimiwarigumi, Onibawanshu, Kanjuro.

/thread. I win. It will happen. trust me. Franky OP :kata:

In all seriousness, if Kaido's son is badass and ~Tobi Roppo/All Star level and the "Ace" exists and is also badass, Kaido officially has the best crew in the series.
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Queen seems to the pure brute type like jack.
King on the other hand doesn't seem that way when he was shown just tapping the Queen Mama Chanter down the water fall instead of bulldozing his way using canons on that ship.He also displayed good flying speed able to nearly blitz the Bm pirates,pushing their ship down before they could do anything;he possesses a Katana indicating some mastery in swordsmanship.
Anyway even if they were just brute fighters,i don't see the problem with it when their captain is the brute type and still considered as the WSC.
They're not pure brawlers, but they're mostly physical fighters. They're not like Cracker or Katakuri who are more tricky.
I don't know. If Queen effectively combines his plague into his own combat abilities, he sure is more trickier than Cracker would ever be.

Imagine, an ancient high tier zoan with a powerful zoan fruit PLUS lethality... That's some Magellan kind of strength if you ask me.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
This thread aged well, but not exactly how I expected.

Queen's powers so far:
  • Mummy plague virus (and associated weapons)
  • Ice Oni plague virus and associated weapons)
  • Pacifista lasers
  • Extensible neck
  • Mouth cannon

Let me know if I missed anything.

I think you should update quuen powers..
Too lazy. I'll want to add the panels if I'm updating the OP and I'm just not enthusiastic to go panel hunting.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Maybe hybrid Jack will grab a blade with his trunk, so we'll eventually have Zoro vs Santoryu Jack. I wouldn't mind that.
Hybrid Jack using swords (even if it's Santoryu) doesn't imply a Zoro vs Hybrid Jack match.