General & Others Nusjuro took down 50 Pacifistas in 2 minutes

Boundman’s speed > what Venus show cased, it’s not impressive to circle an island in 6 minutes.

In AP, Gear 2 Luffy > Anything Venus showed (at the peak of his power)

People gassing Venus up are confusing, he’s doing fuck all and has nothing more to reveal πŸ˜‚
Tbf venus is probably top 5 when it comes to on foot running speed but characters that can fly are generally faster when it comes to movement speed
Like even rabian puddings carpet was ridiculously fast


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LMFAOOOOOO saying this while sanji has traveled entire egghead this arc multiple times while mostly being at hase is funny as fuck

mental breakdown after this chapter lmaoooooooo
traveled? while casually taking a stroll also it wasnt the entirety of egghead, if you look at the map oda drew it wasn't even half of it