Questions & Mysteries Oda's concept of the three colors , the trios in one piece.

since the beginning Oda went these 3 colors concept

Concept base on : Mind | Body | All
Haki: Observation | Armament | Conquerors
Devil Fruits: Paramecia | Zoan | Logia
Ancient Weapons: Poseidon |Pluton | Uranus
Luffy's crew: Sanji | Zoro | Luffy
The WG trio/rivals : Law | Kid | Luffy
The Monkey Family: Dragon | Garp | Luffy
The new sworn brothers trio: Koby | Sabo |Luffy <- speculative assuming Koby will betray the WG
The new admiral trio: Fujitora | Ryokugyu | Kizaru
the candiates for PK: Shanks |BB | Luffy <- speculative considered by the WG

there are many other trios like that you are free to list them.
about the sworn brother trio i think Luffy will meet Sabo and Koby together Soon and they will form an alliance Pirates/Revos/ Sword and drink as brothers to take the WG.
Obviously in that case Koby has the best observation , Sabo will have the best armament , and Luffy is all about conquering all
Shanks , BB and Luffy are obviously the strongest current Yonko and will be considered as the main three candidates for getting the one piece , i know Shanks is not after it but still it is about the concept the three are based on.
Hier Shanks is the sharpest of the three , he is about forseeing the future and sure soon enough we will come to find even though he a Conquoror or specialist in CoC haki he will be most proficient in using CoC to boast his observation and dodging .
BB beard choses DF that makes him tough , or make other weak so it is about tanking and devastating attacks and he will use his CoC to boast his armament haki
Luffy is CoC specialist that will be able to do both boasting his observation and his armament as well.

first you have