Dodge or not, Zoro had 0 fucking contribution last chapter.
but the only difference is that it's apparently due to Enma being Odens sword.
So do I but you can't ignore the whole Oden stuff going around every time Zoro does something amazing with Enma.
Tl:Dr; Enma bears Oden's unfulfilled will, and that's why it's so focused on (and why Kaido is noticing it). It's not really a power level thing.
You could even argue luffy knew it wouldn’t damage him, so he wasn’t dodging to disrespect kaido. So Zoro ruined luffys momentum with his selfishness. Should respect his Captain even mord.
Luffy was pretty roughed up by Boro Breath, even when he protected himself with haki.
- Luffy before Boro breath
- Luffy after tanking Boro Breath
Luffy expressed joy when Zoro rescued him:

"So Zoro ruined luffys momentum with his selfishness. Should respect his Captain even mord."

Can you stop shitting on Luffy, to satisfy your hate boner vs Zoro? Luffy was overjoyed that Zoro saved him, he certainly didn't think that Zoro ruined his momentum with his selfishness.