Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1031 Spoiler Summaries and Images

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Gol D. Roger

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|One Piece Chapter 1031 Spoiler Summaries and Images|

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Pepebusi Spammer
Thanks to Korean Leaks
and confirmed by Redon & Scotch
* 제목 "과학의 전사"

* 자기자기 열매의 각성은 "자기의 부여"
어디까지 자력을 부여할 수 있는가 로가 질문하는데 키드가 안 말해줌..

* 빅맘이 쫄따구들한테 수명 빨아들이고 자신의 1년치 수명을
나폴레옹을 비롯한 호미즈들한테 부여하고 자신까지 거대화

* 드레이크는 아푸의 권유를 씹음..
야마토가 난입하고 넘버즈 중 "후가"가 야마토를 쫓아감

* CP9 이지스 제로가 로빈을 잡으러 로빈과 브룩 앞에 나타남..
CP9 중에서도 마스크를 쓴 첩보부원은 격이 다르다고 함

* 상디는 여자를 공격하지 않았는데 자신의 공격으로 쓰러진 듯한 여자를 보고 혼란
형제들이 여자에게 손찌검했던 걸 떠올리며 제르마의 과학이 발현되어 무감정해진 건가 의구심

* 상디가 제르마의 슈트 아이템 꺼내듬
(이 아이템을 어떻게 하는지는 일부러 안 밝힘)
조로와 전보벌레로 통화하는데 이 싸움의 결판이 난 후
자기가 제정신이 아니라면 자기를 죽여달라고 조로에게 부탁

* 상디 "헬 메모리즈" to 퀸

* 다음 호 휴재

그림은.. 그리기 매우 귀찮
- Chapter 1.031 Title : Warrior of The Science
- The awakening of the Devil Fruit is a "gift".
- Law asked Kid how much magnetism he can give but Kid doesn't answer him.
- Big Mom uses 1 year of her life expectancy on herself to get stronger and bigger.
- Also gives life to several Homies, including Napoleon.
- Drake declines Apoo's invitation.
- Yamato breaks into the place where they are and the Numbers "Fugue" goes after Yamato.
- CP0 arrives where Robin and Brook are to capture Robin.
- Spies wearing masks are on a different level from the rest.
- Sanji is with a woman who has been attacked, it seems that he has done it but he is confused.
- Sanji wonders if it is because of the Germa's powers, and believes that he can turn into someone like his brothers who do not hesitate to attack women.
- It seems Sanji break/destroyed his Raid Suit.
- Sanji talks to Zoro through Den Den Mushi.
- Sanji ask Zoro if he goes crazy/uncontrollable, he wants Zoro to kill him after the battle against the Beast Pirates
- Sanji attacks Queen with an attack called "Hell Memories".
- Break next week
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Thanks to Redon:

- Chapter 1.031: "The warrior of science."
- The awakening of the Akuma no Mi is a "gift".
-Law asks Kid how much magnetism he can give but Kid doesn't answer him.
-Big Mom uses 1 year of her life expectancy on herself to get stronger and bigger.
she also gives life to several Homies, including Napoleon.
- Drake declines Apoo's invitation.
- Yamato breaks into the place where they are and the Numbers "Fugue" goes after Yamato.
- CP0 arrives where Robin and Brook are to capture Robin.
- Spies wearing masks are on a different level from the rest.
- Sanji is with a woman who has been attacked, it seems that he has done it but he is confused.
-Sanji wonders if it is because of Germa's powers, and believes that he can become someone like his brothers who do not hesitate to attack women.
- Sanji takes out the Raid Suit (the Korean does not say what he does with it).
- Sanji talks to Zoro through Den Den Mushi and asks him if he goes crazy or loses his mind, kill him after the battle against Kaidou's army.
- Sanji attacks Queen with an attack called "Hell Memories".
- Break Next Week
More information, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

In Jump cover we can see Luffy, Yamato and Momonosuke (adult dragon form).

In cover Color Spread we can see some characters that are No. 2 of their groups. Zoro and Bepo appear in the front in full body. Then we can see the faces of these characters in the background: Marco, Killer, Katakuri, King, Ben Beckman, Silvers Rayleigh, Sabo, and Shiliew.


Pepebusi Spammer
Translation 5ch Q n A, thanks to @PuckTheGreat

Q n A from 5ch








Q : 乙
A : 空き缶踏むように踏んで破壊
Q : マムのダメージなんかはどんなもん?あと覚醒についてはこのバレの内容くらいしか触れられてない?
A : 覚醒はローがキッドに聞いたけど、なぜ手の内を明かさないと行けないと拒否して終わり

- There is a girl from the red light district, she’s not directly in front of Sanji
- She’s frightened by Sanji
- Sanji says he didn’t do anything but he’s missing a part of his memory from when he was running around
- Sanji then starts to doubt himself thinking that he might have done it
- Sanji then then ponders on which of the following two is more useful , a man that is unable to lift even as much as a finger against a woman or a cruel & emotionless warrior of science.
- Sanji then bids farewell to Germa & Women’s baths and destroys the raid suit
- Sanji then entrusts Zoro with the following ‘If I lose my heart/mind, kill me!’ and heads towards his final battle.

Q (Otome): How did Sanji destroy the RS container?
A: Just like you’d smash empty can by stepping on it, he steps on it & destroys it.
The RS is a device so it explodes when Sanji gets destroys it.
Q: How much damage did Big Mom take? Also, with regards to awakening, is the bit we got from the initial spoilers all we got?
A: Law asks Kidd about his awakening but from some reason Kidd refuse to divulge details about his awakening & the scene ends there
Apparently Linlin hasn’t taken the amount of damage she just took from Kidd & Law in years
Q: Is Robin already captured?
A: No she isn’t. She’s being carried by Brook and the two are running away with the masked Cp0 dude in hot pursuit
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Weekly Shonen Jump cover, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

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Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,031: “The Science Warrior”.

In Jump cover we can see Luffy, Yamato and Momonosuke (adult dragon form).

In the Color Spread we can see some characters that are No. 2 of their groups. Zoro and Bepo appear in the front in full body. Then we can see the faces of these characters in the background: Marco, Killer, Katakuri, King, Ben Beckman, Silvers Rayleigh, Sabo, and Shiliew.

Chapter starts where the previous one left off. Kaidou's subordinates can't belive Big Mom has been attacked like that. Law and Kid are exhausted and panting.

Law: "Hah... Hah...!!"

Kid: "Hah... Hah...!!
Take that...!!
Damn old bag monster...!!!"

Law is surprised to see the “awekened” power of Kid's “Jiki Jiki no Mi” and how he is able to give others magnetic power. Law asks Kid how powerful his magnetic force is but Kid replies that he won't reveal all his cards to him.

Suddenly, a steel beam shoots out of the area where Big Mom is buried and falls on Kaidou's subordinates. Big Mom rises up from the rubbles, she's in rage.

Big Mom: "“LIFE” OR “OSHIRUKO”...!!!"

Big Mom uses “Soul Pocus” attack to pull out lifespan of every Kaidou's subordinates around her. Then Big Mom gives that lifespan to all metal pieces on the ground to transform them in Homies.

Then Big Mom pulls out 1 year of her own lifespan and eats it to gain more power. Since she is too powerful, Big Mom can only become stronger by consuming her own lifespan. Big Mom and her Homies get bigger and Big Mom's eyes burst into flame.

Big Mom: "I haven't felt this much pain in decades...
I admit you are strong...!! "

Law and Kid: "...!!"

Big Mom: "Trafalgar Law...!! “Eustass” Kid!!
“Straw Hat Luffy” is like you too, you have definitely come for this THRONE...
Take it if you can!!!
The Yonkou's throne!!!"

Law: "There's no chance of learning history...
if I don't defeat this monster first."

Kid: "Don't hold back!!
We will drag her down from her throne no matter what it takes!!!"

While this happens, we see that Yamato continues on his way. As the route he wants to follow is full of enemies, he prefers to go to the basement through the “Cave Chamber”.

Cut now to the “Cave Chamber”, where X Drake & Scratchmen Apoo are. Drake attacks Apoo but Apoo attacks him too. Drake blocks the attack, saying that Apoo's attacks are actually defendable.

Drake: "I'm going to finish you off to fulfill the promise I made to “Straw Hat”...!!
It's easy to know where your attacks are going...!!
You need people “hear” your attacks to activate them, but your “line of sight” indicates where you are going to attack!!"

Suddenly, Yamato barges into the room smashing the door.

Yamato: "Ah!!
Why is here someone from “Tobiroppo”!?

Apoo: "Yamato!?
Now he's Kaidou's enemy...!!
It's clear you can't use Drake, you idiot...!!
Yamato-sama ♫"

Yamato tells Apoo that he doesn't have time to listen to him. Then he attacks Drake telling him to get out of his way. Drake explains that they are on the same side now.

Yamato: "Really!?
Sorry but I'm in a big hurry Drake!!
“Onigashima” and the “Flower Capital” are in danger!!"

The Number “Fuga” smashes a wall and starts chasing Yamato. Apoo orders the other two Numbers to accompany him to go after Yamato. Drake runs after them.

Cut to the 2nd floor of Onigashima's castle. The two CP0 agents have arrived to the place where Robin and Brook are. Minks fight them while they ask Robin and Brook to escape. Brook carries Robin in his arms and flies.

Robin explains that the agents who wear masks are considered special even among the CP0. We see that the chief of CP0 is looking at Robin and Brook, then he uses something like “Soru” to chase after them.

Cut to Sanji, who is in Black Maria's “brothel”. We see that the women who are there yell angrily at Sanji, some point him with swords and spears. One of them holds a girl in her arms who is hurt and scared. The woman asks Sanji why he has hurt her, Sanji is confused and says that he hasn't done anything.

The women start throwing things at Sanji, who backs up and leaves the room where he was. Sanji is confused and frustrated.

Sanji: "It can't be ...!!
It is impossible that I have raised my hand to a lady...!!!"

As Sanji tries to remember what happened, we see several images of the moment when his brothers attacked Cosette, the Germa's head cook. Queen (in dinosaur form) arrives to where Sanji is, who finally manages to remember what happened to the girl.

A little flahsback starts. When Sanji was running away, he met a woman in the brothel.

Geisha: "Kyaaa. I'm sorry...!!
I'm not Kaidou's subordinate...!!
I'm just a geisha who's brought from the “Flower Capital”."
Please forgive me..."

Suddenly we see that Sanji's expression changed to a serious one, and then we see the geisha is lying on the ground and injured. When the geisha got up she looked at Sanji in terror.

Back to the present. Queen has transformed into his hybrid form, Sanji is mentally shattered.

Sanji: "Luffy, what kind of me would you prefer?
The old me who is useless when the enemy is a woman...
Or a cold-blooded “Science Warrior” who can hurt anyone as you wish!!
Which one would be more useful for the “Pirate King”...? "

Sanji takes out his Raid Suit device.

Sanji: "I'm fed up."

Queen: "Ohh.
It's Germa's battle suit!! "

Sanji: "I've finally cleared my mind...
The Raid Suit triggered the awakening of “science power” in my body...!!
And things cannot be changed!!!
But... I will never become “Germa”!!!"

Sanji throws his Raid Suit device to the ground and stomps it with his foot. The suit explodes. Queen is shocked to see that Sanji is wasting his own power-up.

Sanji: "Farewell “GERMA”!!!
Farewell ladies bathhouses!!!"

Sanji lights a cigar and pulls out a Den Den Mushi.

Cut to the outside of Onigashima's castle, Zoro and King continue fighting. Zoro's Den Den Mushi starts ringing.

Zoro: "Hah... Hah...
Ehh!? Why do I have a “Den Den Mushi”?"

Sanji: "I was the one who put it in your clothes, in case you wander off somewhere..."

Zoro: "Stupid cook!!
Don't bother me now!!"

We see that King has transformed into dinosaur form and is shooting Zoro from the air.

Sanji: "Listen to me, I will be brief.
I have one favor to ask you. After this, we will win against the Beast Pirates."

Zoro: "...
Of course we will!!"

King attacks Zoro with his beak, but Zoro stops it with 2 swords.

Sanji: "But if after the battle...
my "mind" is not the same as before,
I want you to kill me. "

Zoro: "Huh?
Hah... Hah ...
OK I will do it!!
I don't know what happens...
But that's one more thing for me to look forward to after this battle!!
Don't you dare die until then."

Sanji: "Count on it."

The call between Sanji and Zoro ended. Suddenly, Sanji disappears in front of Queen.

Queen: "He has disappeared!?
Is this also part of science!?

Sanji appears covered in flames in front of Queen. Then he kicks Queen.

Sanji: "Hey I'm burning already, so don't you dare add any more fuel to the fire!!
“Hell Memories”!!! "

Queen: "Guwah~~~!!!

End of the chapter, break next week.
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Pepebusi Spammer

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Pepebusi Spammer
Panel translation, thanks to @PuckTheGreat

Skull Dome - Left Brain Tower (Red Light District)
Geisha: What the hell do you think you're doing! Too such a young girl to boot!
Geisha: You're part of the Wano Army aren't u!?
Sanji: Yes that's right, but...no, it's a misunderstanding!! ...It wasn't me...!!
Sanji: I didn't do...anything
Sanji: I couldn't have Geisha
(Alleged Victim): sobs
Geisha: Sanji Stop feigning ignorance, you were the only one with her!!
Geisha: Please leave!! We are (laying low/hiding) here!!!
Sanji: .......
Sanji: This makes no sense, that is the one ting I'd never do...!!
Sanji: There's just no way I raised my hand against a lady...!!!
Sanji: To think you're so depraved that you actually beat a lady unconscious!!
Sanji: Every single shred of your beings goes against what I stand for!!!
Queen: Oi~! where did you run off too? Muhahaha
Queen: The red-light district is not in service atm right? "Germa"!
Sanji: .....
Sanji: My body doesn't feel fuzzy anymore...Is the "change" finished now?
Sanji: That's right, I was deep in thought when...
Geisha: Kyaa!! I'm sorry! I'm...
Geisha: not one of Kaido's subordinates...!!
Geisha: I'm just an ordinary geisha that was brought here from the flower capital
Geisha: Please, spare me...
Sanji: Immediately after that... she was sent flying... and bleeding....!!
Sanji: She stared at me... consumed by fear...!!!
Sanji: ........ Hey, Luffy... Which would u prefer...?
Sanji: The me from before that was unable to lift even as much as a finger against a female enemy or....
Sanji: a me, a "warrior of science", that is cruel and emotionless but is able to flatten/overwhelm even a monster like this...!!
Sanji: and will take anybody's head (doesn't matter who), long as I'm ordered to...!!!
Sanji : Which of these two will be more useful to the "Pirate King"...?
Sanji: I've made up my mind! I still don't know what will happen but...!!
Queen: Oh! is that Germa's suit!?
Translation thanks to @PuckTheGreat
Sanji: This damn ting...
Sanji: I'm certain that it was coz I wore it that...
Sanji: the science that had laid dormant in me till now was awakened...but well it is what it is at this point!!
Sanji: I can't help what has already happened but...this is as far as I'd let it go
Sanji: I will not become one of "Germa"!!!
Queen: What the...!! Such a waste!! Show me ur transformation damn it!
Goodbye "Germa"
Goodbye Women's baths!!!
But I'll make sure to end this fight!!

Outside the Dome - Zoro vs King
Zoro: huff...huff...
Zoro: Huh!?...I don't remember having a snail phone on me
Sanji: I was the one that put it in your sash, in case you ever go get urself killed at some corner on the island...
Zoro: So it's you! Idiot cook!!
Zoro: Don't interrupt me!
Sanji: I won't be talking for long, just listen
Sanji: From this point onwards...
Sanji: we will be claiming victory over the "Hundred Beast Pirates"
Zoro: ............
Zoro: Yh...That is a given!!
Sanji: But after this battle is over and done with...
Sanji: ..in the case that I've lose my reason/myself...

Sanji: I want you to kill me!!
Zoro: Huh!?
Zoro: Huff...Huff...
Zoro: Aight got it! I'll make sure to kill you without fail!!
Zoro: Not really sure what is going on but...
Zoro: ...I have something to look forward to at the end of the battle...!!
Zoro: That said...
Zoro: ...make sure you don't die on me till then!!
Sanji: Yh...thanks
Translation thanks to @PuckTheGreat
Queen: Huh!?
Queen: He disappeared!?
Queen: Judge's brat!! Is that also the power of science!?
Sanji: Oi~Oi~! Don't incite my flames any further! They are already burning violently enough as is!
(puck note - Could phrase this better but this is the best I've got atm💀)
Sanji: "Hell Memories"!!!
Queen: Gyuahh!!!
Editor's Note: A kick overflowing with resolve!! (lit: A strike of resolve)

Break Next Week
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