Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Serious question to some of the people still thinking Kid is gonna survive this why WOULDNT Shanks kill Kid and his crew here? He already showed him mercy once, and as we know from their Intro they are not scared of killing people that threaten them. Would it be sheer pity/gratitude for conveniently delivering them an express ticket to the One Piece? Is that really what you want for your boy?

To survive another humiliating defeat at the hands of a Yonko because of pity and to be relegated to a Luffy cheerleader in Elbaf?

If I gave the faintest shit about the guy I would PRAY he dies here, at least that way his humiliation is over.
Zoro replicated nothing. The rash he gave kaido doesnt compare to the deep wound oden gave him that made kaido fall to the ground. And we dont even know if that was odens best move. But ashura was rooftop goji's best move.
Okay shut the fuck up
Zoro scarred him deep enough for him to be scarred for life after getting blitzed and he was scared directly on scales while being much stronger and in hybrid form.

Dude was leaking in blood far more blood then Oden drew

And it wasn't roof top Zoros best move, it was what nerfed zoro with maybe 2% of his strength left could do.

Fresh roof top zoro at least knocks kaido out got good and current zoro straight kills Kaido.
Shanks in his entire career hasn't even come close to doing roof top Zoro level damage to Kidd.
Terrible writing. Shit is soooo out of character for Kidd. It’s already been established that Kidd has an unbreakable spirit, but just to wank off Shanks, Kidd and his whole crew now cry and bow down to Shanks and give up on their dream. GTFOH LOL
It was never said that Kid bowed though.
It was Killer and the rest that bowed. They did it not for themselves, but to save their captain.

This is similar to Zoro bowing to Kuma and Mihawk for the sake of Luffy.
Damn, Midd is really mid :kobeha:
I'd be generous that I'll wait the full spoiler to see if Midd really gets low diff-ed or puts some efforts before he's defeated.

At this point, Law could be exterminated too. It's the way Oda reducing Luffy's rival in final arcs.
Not just a sky split, a sky split with WB, who's haki was on par with Roger's.
Old fuck machine ridden Whitebeard couldn't even use CoC to save aces life

That is empty shell of Whitebeard
Equaling Haki with that version of Whitebeard is more anti feat than a feat.

Shanks green bull feat is a lot better.

Oda also said Shanks current Haki is on par with Old Rusty Rayleighs Haki.
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