Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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BM is a ball of stats except shes not really a ball, more like a triangle hanging on a rope that doesnt know whats going on. If she fights straight brawlers she looks good. Against anyone mobile and maneuverable and she starts getting memed on.
Name someone who was too much for bM 1v1

Fighting 2 hax powerful guys and still being able to KO them while they can't KO her =/= getting memed by a top tier 1v1

If kaido can't dominate BM 1v1, what exactly would Kizaru do?

The chapter already has base Luffy matching Kizaru...
I mean, it's impossible to shit on Lucci more than Luffy and Stussy did, so it doesn't matter tbh. Zoro fighting Lucci isn't a problem, the funny thing is Zoro fans expectations meeting the reality

And by all means, someone could even argue Lucci is injured/nerfed or something
Don't worry about it, Oda has a fresh VA just for the cook who is also fresh. :myman:
If arab leakers are not making fun of admirals several days before the spoilers even drop, you know the chapter is fine for them.
Btw, you know how you mentioned (maybe it wasn’t you and if so I’m sorry) that Kizaru might have a surprising fighting style like how Kuzan was a boxer?

I think Borsalino has extremely strong defense. And he puts out his hand like Sengoku (his teacher) and Sentomaru to do it.
I mean he managed to tag King and hes pretty fast.
bar his durability
king as a fighter didnt have enough versatility.
the moment zoro uncovered that secret, he looked lost . Resorted to spamming his flames everywhere.

lucci is very different , its not a particular gimmick or ability
rather its a variety of different strengths. weve seen his speed with gear 5 luffy, weve seen him use the six techniques, we now know hes awakened etc .
@EmperorKinyagi I think from this point on matchups will matter the most since Luffy reached this stage. Against Kaido he needed hard hitting attacks to finish him. Against Kizaru he would need to employ his CoO as well as fast hitting attacks. Against Akainu he would need to employ his FS and barrier haki to minimize contact with the magma. Against BB who will nullify his fruit he will have to hone and rely on his haki the most,etc.

That means that enemies dont need to be much stronger if at all then the previous one while still providing a threat or challenge.

Bear in mind that Oda introduced both Yonko/Admirals/Mihawk as a bundle often times when he portray them and they were introduced as the ceiling of the OP world (bar unknowns like Imu) so once Luffy reached this ceiling and around it he doesnt really need huge increases in power from now on for fights to remain challenging as I explained above.

This doesnt make sense narratively either and Yonko/Admirals have always been portrayed as mirrors to each other.
Luffy isn't trying to surpass Mihawk
Stop placing him there

The peak of OP is Yonko and then Admirals
Those are the people Luffy wanna surpass to be PK
It means they're all > Mihawk who's Zoro goal to surpass

Oh Yonko > Admirals
Strongest admiral is equal or near equal to the weakest Yonko
The weakest admiral is slightly above strongest warlord/YC , Mihawk


Love is a painful illusion
bar his durability
king as a fighter didnt have enough versatility.
the moment zoro uncovered that secret, he looked lost . Resorted to spamming his flames everywhere.

lucci is very different , its not a particular gimmick or ability
rather its a variety of different strengths. weve seen his speed with gear 5 luffy, weve seen him use the six techniques, we now know hes awakened etc .
Im open to be surprised. Im just saying that if Zoro tags him hes gonna feel it.
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