Lucci looked good fighting Luffy??
Show me the panel bro😂
Oh so Lucci attacking Sentomaru goes against Luffy now lol. See the next panels too when Lucci's consciousness was fading while Luffy was laughing his ass off with zero blows from Lucci. Now compare the panels where Zoro is panting and looks roughed up.
He is obviously having a harder time with Lucci than Luffy.
U serously didn't even read huh. Do i really need to do this to another user, and then the same user is silent now

Alright i'm gonna use ur logic btw
At the end of Chapter Luffy vs Lucci where Luffy landed one named attack
Lucci still looking good
Next chapter
After Luffy landing 2 named attack and Lucci claiming himself Lose conciousness, he still can get back while Luffy still on Grandpa mode
Lucci Lose conciousness
Next pages we see Luffy turn into Grandpa mode
Next pages again we see Lucci still look good with bandages IN THE SAME DAMN CHAPTER
Now look at Zoro Vs Lucci
One panel of Clashing
And then a One page and half of Another Clashing WITHOUT NAMED ATTACK
If thats what u call roughed up on Zoro then whats this? lol
He looks Roughed up by your logic It seems Kziaru is too strong.