swear this fanbase is bipolar. 90% of you were complaining about Drake/WW/Hawkins etc missing for chapters and now you get it people are still complaining.
Why now though? It seemed like according to the pace of the story, we were focusing on The straw hats making a path for luff and Zoro getting to Kaido.
But nope. Psych. That was just a background plot and now drake and company ate the focus. And now it's established that the main plot is Who's eho and Queen trying to kill Drake.
In Chapter 991 Nope, That's not the main plot either. We'll cut away from drake and all that and go to Marco and prospero and their plot will be introduced.
In chapter 992 Nope, they also aren't the main plot, we'll cut to Yamato vs Ulti.
See the problem.
And what makes it worse is that they'll be a bunch of off screening whenever we return to each of these plots.
There needs to be more clear objectives for this story. A bunch of shut can happen in the background but there must be one central focus that begins and ends ON SCREEN