My opinions so far---
What I like-
Flash back of Oden, White Beard & Roger and their crews.
Zoro vs Samurai
Sanji uses the raid suit vs page 1
Law fanboying over Sora when he saw the raid suit
Law vs Hawkins
Robin removes Big Meme like gtfo
Franky being super

Momo saying his name even after all the abuse
Zoro and Hiyori moments
What has disappointed me-
No development with Kidd.
Too many unnecessary characters/ not focusing on the core characters
Off panel fights
Yamato- She comes across as very mary sueish imo, there was zero build up to her character and she seems useless
As of now- the story is lacking focus- the story lines and characters are scattered and aimless
Jinbe- just doesn't fit in imo
Big Meme's stupid ass
What is Kaido's motive and history already!