Speculations One piece is the last ancient weapon Uranus

Since Arabasta we came to know about the ancient weapons and Pluton and since Fishman Island we already know about the ancient weapon Poseidon and we know it is Shirahoshi , who can command the Sea Kings.
Well if you think about it the ancient weapons is too like about the three colors observation, armament and conquering .
If you think about Poseidon Shirahoshi has possibily thousands of Sea King distributed across the seas, which you could call a big network of intelligent agents. i am pretty sure they can share their vision with Shirahoshi , so in the final war Shirahoshi will be the the one who gather information for Luffy and his alliance against the WG. Shirahoshi herself has observation haki and really doesn't have any other power , she would not be fitting in the middle of battle field so her function will be controlling the sea and gathering information using her big network of sea kings.
Pluton is the equivalent of armament , so it is based in Wano since Wano people are the specialists of armament haki , and so Momo will be the one who can command Pluton , and he himself is very tough having a Dragon DF and tough body as hinted in the last chapters. So Momo will be the one responsible of destroying and physical attacks. Expect Pluton to be able to use Armament Haki as well maybe channeled by Momonosuke. to be honest Zunisha might be Pluton or part of it.

What is left Uranus , which have to be about a flying force , which is the equivalent of Conquering force and who is the one who has a specialty in intimidating and Conquering? it is obviously Luffy and he will be able to command the flying force , something that can emit CoC haki attacks like Luffy does . so i think that might be the one piece itself.

The WG is scared for a reason they cannot fight the ancient weapons at all , no matter how much power they have .