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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I hope we’re alone. Human invcta
We are not even alone on Earth lmao

Dinosaurs ruled this planet way more than us. Fortunately, asteroid struck them to make way for us

And, if I have to pick being alone or having aliens then I will pick aliens

Imagine you getting kidnapped by the aliens and they performing tests on you 😈


I will never forgive Oda
We are not even alone on Earth lmao

Dinosaurs ruled this planet way more than us. Fortunately, asteroid struck them to make way for us

And, if I have to pick being alone or having aliens then I will pick aliens

Imagine you getting kidnapped by the aliens and they performing tests on you 😈
We’re all alone, the universe is ours for the conquering. It’s very exciting

Gorosei Informer

Lol, when I was a kid I have legit seen a chicken swallow up a fking mouse got me fucking weirded out back then.

It makes more sense now imagine if they were bigger than us
Lmfao damnit you edited it! I read kitchen swallowing up a mouse and was so confused hahahaha! Reminds me of how my grandad would swap kitchen and chicken around to confuse us lol, to the point I would also do the same by accident.

There we go, thats better:

Lol, when I was a kid I have legit seen a kitchen swallow up a fking mouse got me fucking weirded out back then.

It makes more sense now imagine if they were bigger than us


(This would so happen in One Piece or Jojo too. Or even Bobobo!)
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