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Wow!! You must be real proud of that!! I guess I should class you as a troll too. It is disappointing that you represent Zoro fans.
I dont represent Zoro fans. I'm just a guy.

I can have civil discussion but I'm not gonna pretend like I care about the person saying the things. This is the Internet. I don't know. You don't know me.

All that matters is what each of us say. No need to extend further "respect" outside of that. If I say something dumb, you are within your right to think I'm actually a dumb person in real life too. You don't know me. And you never will.
Hey, Zolo attacking a defenseless Sanji with hole in his chest ain't much of a feat.

Zolo attacking Sanji who is just standing around with his new power up and failing to inflict damage- that is something:catsure:
Because gags are feats right. I remember now.

I'm sorry but you will have to keep reminding me every time. I forget stupidity very easily
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