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You’ll jump through a million hoops to not call it a gag when it’s the same thing Queen and Sasaki did

He literally pulled his head back and shot it like a slingshot lmaooo King is a meme

because it wasn't using a face he made mid transformation means nothing there wasn't even a punchline to this ''gag'' like there is in all others in OP
No. But we didn't get any hints...

Lol I can give it to you. The hint is that its going to reveal that enma was actually a legit nerf.

The chapter explains

1. Because zoro had to keep his own haki suppressed so enma wouldn't use it all he as a result actually nerfed his own haki output

2. Enma acts crazy so zoro decides not to use it temporarily and aftwards realize that his haki output (when he has no reason to suppress it because he isnt wielding enma) actually increased lol

3. Is also explains why Oden kept enma since it was literally training weights for his haki output

4. It alludeds to zoro once fully taming it realizing that the blade no longer sucks haki from him and as a result he no longer has to subconsciously withhold his own haki output when using the blade
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