He's equal to zeno but cant even beat a meteor, these pokemon fanboys are all biased dumbasses
Let me guess this random bull also solos fiction with it's infinite multiverse lv ap
Yea the more likely scenario is that this tauros is a multiverse buster not that your full of shit
Is this random fossil pokemon blocking and matching giratina's attack also multiverse lv
If you wanna pull well it's not in the games bs on me, You canonically beat arceus in a event
But sure, Ig the event is non canon and so goes every media where arceus and his trio of fodder show up
And if that's the case what you gonna base it on
The pokedex that says he only shaped the world ie planet
And btw it's not like the games agree with even a planet lv pokemon, cythia in game even says it's impossible for a pokemon to destroy the world
World literally means planet just saying this cause alot of vs debaters will try to rat and say it actually means universe
Regi gigas also stomps both dialga and palkia at the same time
And the same regi gigas struggles with moving a ice wall even with thousands of mamoswine helping
And it's even shown that random pokemon shooting at arceus aswell as debre falling damaged him
also arceus gets caught in silver water unable to move
his full power bloodlusted attack didt even destroy a city
and btw for those who might complain about the use of dialga and palkia stuff here just know they outright tanked his attacks
and giratina also was hard for arceus to keep track of
the same giratina that had it's attack reflected by a wobbfett
Universe lv team rocket
jeese and james just destroy the universe ig
And btw the arceus giving you his avatar thing is fan fiction
the quote here
refers to the legend plate not a physical avatar
sorry he's not the presence from dc, pokemon fans may want him to have a avatar to talk through and act through but sadly just no proof for it unlike the presence who talked using a dog as a avatar
And your always to get ignorant people who think what they want regardless of reason and to those people just dont comment, your not adding anything other then showing how biased you people are
and if you honestly buy into it, give an argument why im wrong instead of just going man im not changing my mind regrdless of what evidence
But these fanboys cant do that cause there is no evidence for universe lv arceus, it's all fan fiction
it's why he lost to a togetic
And here's the thing, some people here are going to say it's a outlier man
and if every piece of media is saying the opposite to you
then maybe it's you that is wrong not the media
Seriously what do you think is more likely poke stans
That a cabal of arceus haters made these official manga and anime just to spite you randoms online or that they wrote the stories in accordance to what they think is correct
I would write baryon naruto jobbing to spite you dudes, I doubt these manga writers and movie directors give a fuck about this belief you have enough to write around what you personally buy into unlike me or other randos on the web which is the point here
And another example arceus in the manga was even said to beat by random humans leading to him distrusting him
Palkia at one point failed to destroy a buliding only managing to cut it in half with the latios nearby dodging this attack
And btw the manga even shows that a dragonite can restrain palkia
The chains that restrained palkia and dialga
Were broken by a ramperdos in the manga
The lake guardians who were trapped in a machine could of been damaged by random pokemon
Btw it's them who create the red chain so it's relevant here
And btw we even see a exclamation of the pokemon cosmology
two things of note here
One these spaces are not called dialga or palkia themselves just their spaces meaning the avatar argument is already more destroyed then it already was