Powers & Abilities Queen’s True Identity!

Honestly guys, this theory just came to my head RIGHT NOW... I didn’t even bother to go re-read and check or grap panels... so I’ll try to make it short as much as I can... while referring you to the scenes by words (I’m writing on phone lol)

- First Point: Jack is from Fishman species... King is from an extinct species, YET Queen is what? Is he really like Franky? A human who modified himself into becoming cyborg????

I sense that All 3 Calamities of Kaido are ORIGINALLY not human...

- Second Point: It came to my mind Alabasta arc, and Enies Lobby arc (the two main battle arcs for SHs) and in both cases we saw examples of Vegapunk infusing Zoan Devil Fruit into a canon and a sword to turn them into a canon dog and an elephant sword...

and considering Vegapunk/Judge/Queen involvement in this arc, I feel as this could be a more focused arc on that ability being put into a greater use on wider scale...

- Third Point: Weapons who ate a DF... they start getting Emotions... and they start to experience love, hate, joy and sadness..etc... this can be seen from the sword elephant who feared Franky...

- Fourth Point: I thought of Pacifista... They are weapons with human form and blood that can come out of them... On top of that, They actually were programmed to be able to speak words... so unlike Canon dog in Alabasta or Sword Elephant.. they turn into animals and cannot speak human language...

- Last Point: Queen talks about Sanji as “Judge’s son” in a form of despise... kinda like Akainu when he says “Dragon’s son”... and if we go back to WCI arc... We can see familiarity in facial and head design of Queen to some Germa Soldiers Clones.. some fat clones kinda look like him...

My Conclusion & Theory:

Queen is NOT a human... Queen is Originaly a Pacifista-like being... With ability to speak words, have blood, and with a similar design to those Germa soldiers... Who was fed an Ancient Zoan DF of Brachiosauros.... WHICH allowed him to gain Emotional side to be able to experience, love, hate, joy, sadness, screaming, laughing...etc through the Animalistic side of the Zoan...
Kind of, I guess. :kayneshrug:
To be honest, I always thought that Queen is just like Sanji's brothers...

Queen has the exact same abilities as Sanji's brothers and it can't be a coincidence. I think Queen could be Judge's original experiment before Judge perfected his design. Because of that it could be that Queen has a grudge against the Vinsmoke family, or it might be that Judge stole Queen's technology.
- Second Point: It came to my mind Alabasta arc, and Enies Lobby arc (the two main battle arcs for SHs) and in both cases we saw examples of Vegapunk infusing Zoan Devil Fruit into a canon and a sword to turn them into a canon dog and an elephant sword...
my immediate reaction:

But upon reading your whole points I'm kinda OK, might be. Queen does has odd body shape and moves quite unnaturally for someone his size. Not to mention his odd abilities like stretching his neck like Yonji's hand and firing laser through his mouth.
He could be the first ever prototype of SSG and Kaido took him while escaping from Vegapunk's Lab or something.


Law Nerd
Hmm I would love to find eventual connections between his modifications and Germa / Vegapunk. I think there's an intertwining link standing around most likely. He is probably human however, a modified one at it which could be pretty feasible. Franky himself acknowledged the technology to modify his own body, just like Kidd did, that's very feasible to accomplish.