Future Events Red Hair Pirates vs Strawhats, match ups and purpose

We already assume that there will not be any serious fight to defeat Shanks and go and free some oppressed people like Wano or Dressrosa but the fight will have to happen so which match ups will happen?
I think those fights will like friendly duels like between Shanks and Mihawk to test and train the strawhats and to show that they are worthy to be the next pirate king crew.
Shanks vs Luffy will be a duel to show that Luffy's CoC haki will surpass Shanks'
Mihawk vs Zoro will be a duel to show that Zoro's CoA haki will surpass Mihawk's (yes Mihawk will be Zoro's opponent he will be there to test Zoro)
Beckman vs Sanji will be a duel to show that Sanj's CoO haki will surpass Beckman's , he might be one of the best observation haki user out there we already has a hint for that even if it is not canon and just in Ace's Novel. Shanks asked Beckman for his opinion about Ace.
Usopp vs his Dad it is about sniper skills.
well we don't know about the other red hair pirates roles but it will be match up to their opponents of the strawhats.
like Navigator vs Nami a fight in navigation skills
or Helmsmann vs Jinbe a fight in Helsmann's skills
shipwright vs Franky
archeologist vs Jinbe
musician vs Brook