Powers & Abilities Roger's Attack on Oden/Whitebeard: Haoshoku or Ryuou?


Oden seems particularly surprised from the Roger attack, which seems weird considering he should know what ryuou is, and honestly, roger might not at that stage. Also there is a clear haoshoku haki black lightning that comes off it, which makes me think that it's potentially haoshoku. Then we have a similar thing with roger and whitebeard literally being unable to break through each other's attacks, haoshoku blaring, and not even clashing. Seemingly clashing haoshoku not just as a side effect of two haoshoku users big dicking it, but instead their haoshoku literally being so focused onto a single point that they are literally in an clash with them.

I am going to make the claim that haoshoku haki is a sort of strike that doesn't even need contact, or an aura around you (whitebeard was hella weak at marineford and nerfed), and it allows you to focus your haoshoku on a certain point to DRASTICALLY increase the raw power you dish out, haoshoku is typically about hitting willpower of weaker people or comparing your will to others to overwhelm them, but this is bringing that aura into a tangible form to essentially hypercharge your strength already. When whitebeard and oden clashed, it was them clashing with basic haoshoku, but when whitebeard and roger clashed, whitebeard was more serious against roger and thus used advanced haoshoku to really full exert himself in a serious fight.

When roger used his advanced haoshoku cuz he was serious at oden, oden was trounced by a serious oden, because yes, oden was able to dance around with a basic whitebeard, but as soon as advanced haoshoku came into the mix, he'd have been no match.