Current Events Saturn vs Vegapunk is now inevitable.

Vegapunk => The World's Greatest Scientist

Saturn's field of expertise => Scientific Defense

Saturn was sent to handle Vegapunk because his science is too powerful to be dealt with by anyone but an expert, that is why his island was never attacked by Kaido or BB in spite of being right next to both Wano and Beehive.

Reminder that we have already been told Kizaru and the fleet were mobilized before the Marines had known Luffy would be there simply because Egghead had COMBAT POWER just through Vegapunk's science

"B-but Vegapunk can't fight!" yes he can when he flexes his science. He can jump into a mecha like Franky, he can deploy the island's defensive system, he can command tons of things he's built, he has gadgets that power you up.

I'll say it outright : Vegapunk will either get into a mecha or jump into some suit of armor to fight Saturn

Saturn's goal is literally to kill Vegapunk as well and he's the only character through who we can learn more about Vegapunk's Void Century research as Vegapunk needs to be confronted by him about what he found.

There is always a MAIN secondary character in every arc and that MAIN secondary character usually shines the brightest besides Luffy narratively speaking (Momo,Wiper,Shirahoshi ....)

Luffy vs Kizaru => Yonko vs Admiral

Vegapunk vs Saturn => Scientist vs Scientist