General & Others So When do you see this arc ending?

Still a ton of stuff that needs to be covered:

- Kaido/Yamato/Rocks flashback
- Remaining setup before the fights even begin (i.e. Sanji in the least not having his, most likely Chopper and Zoro too when he recovers)
- The actual fights, all 1-3 chapters each depending on how much oda dedicates to them
- The rest of the Orochi/Scabbards/Momo plotline, however long that lasts and what it leads to.
- Caribou, Tengu, Hiyori/Toki, and Onimaru and their remaining roles
- Big Mom and her crew, the remaining numbers, etc
- Luffys final fight with Kaido, which could take 10+ chapters as other fights have taken
- Epilogue

Arc is gonna go on for some time. Definitely another 40+. I'll be surprised if the real fights start before 1115-1120.