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I miss the old Soul. Where's your "dohoho I shall enjoy our dance to the death" energy you typically have? You seem less comfortable being suspected than usual
To be honest with you, I can see why people might say I look abit different this game. I am bit reserved, maybe a bit too reserved and can see why people might view it as me being aggressive. I did state earlier that I will find scum and it will be bloody and ugly. I guess it's probably the state of mind I am in right now. But I am not uncomfortable with people suspecting me, anyone and everyone is more than welcome to take a jab at me and see how they fair. I will question them about it though, and I will push them and question them if I suspect them. In my mind, I am simply playing mafia here. Like think of it as the ultimate judge who will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants kinda mindset. If I was uncomfortable with being suspected, do you think I would engage with more than half the player base and go back and forth with them? it might seem a bit of a brute forcing in a way. But stating I am 'less comfortable' than being suspected is clearly not true. I know I am townie, I am not worried AT ALL.

Now for the bolded. Frankly, no. I don't get it at all. You seem to be implying there's equal grounds to suspect me killing Ratchet from a scum POV, but I literally can't wrap my head around that. Of course I'm biased.

You also keep implying I'm 100% scum reading you too which isn't true.

If you are town here ultra, then you basically want me to have same world view as you. I feel like some statements you make just makes no sense and can be applied to anybody. 'Some connections seems to be missing', but if you truly believe that, one would think you would question me about those 'missing connection'. Not just sit back and watch, because that gives me the impression you ain't interested in reading me or figuering out my slot.

You then make statements such as 'why would I kill ratchet as scum NP1' and I believe making such statements is just weak and hold little to no merit. If anything, you trying to deflect the blame to 'I would never kill ratchet NP1' and that because 'I would never kill ratchet NP1' I cannot be scum and any other opinion or perspective on the matter is just wrong and since it is wrong, I am apparently not giving any thoughts on my read on you. You somehow weight alot of points on you being townie on the fact that you would just never kill ratchet NP1 here. Which is just not true and you trying to defend yourself by taking that angle felt weak attempt.

Well, I didn't necessairly imply you scum read me 100% but I am not liking the posts you are making per say, but I also made statement few times actually stating I can see townie you doing this as well. Like the fact that I want to flip you after Orca and Reloaded/RN should tell you enough that there is a world where you might be townie here if the the poe before you flip scum.
Any minute now Soul will give me a straightforward answer. I'm sure
>Ask horseshit question
>The questrion is not what it was
>turns out there is two different yes answers to his question and he is looking for something very speciifc
>bolds the part he wants an answer on instead of doing that from the beginning

Sure buddy. Maybe not pick and choose on what you wanna read might help you go better along the way.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Literally, if he is town, he is too fixated on me having TMI here and that I am scum and can't see a world where I am simply just town and had better understanding and reads regarding the state of the game than him at the time. I find it funny, he was pinging me stating that he wants me to apologize if polar flips scum here, but he cannot concede that he is wrong and I was right and move on, I must have TMI!

Like he does not believe the shit he says sometimes, he says if yoho flips scum, then it looks good on soul, if reloaded is scum, then it also looks good on soul. But still, soul can be scum here with TMI like bruh, and now thinking I might somehow be serial killer here. Just lol.
honestly wud probably be easier for him to just move on from it than doubling down on not apologizing. think u hurt his ego by laying it out to him that his read on polar isnt always perfect and thats why hes compensating it with possibily thinking u r scum tming the whole situation. i do that too sometimes when im wrong and someone else got the right answer but i didnt. consider this a strong reason to read ultra town tbh


No dude... that's a bike...!!
>Ask horseshit question
>The questrion is not what it was
>turns out there is two different yes answers to his question and he is looking for something very speciifc
>bolds the part he wants an answer on instead of doing that from the beginning

Sure buddy. Maybe not pick and choose on what you wanna read might help you go better along the way.
just lock him town and maybe mafia kills him that way, trust
You then make statements such as 'why would I kill ratchet as scum NP1' and I believe making such statements is just weak and hold little to no merit. If anything, you trying to deflect the blame to 'I would never kill ratchet NP1' and that because 'I would never kill ratchet NP1' I cannot be scum and any other opinion or perspective on the matter is just wrong and since it is wrong, I am apparently not giving any thoughts on my read on you. You somehow weight alot of points on you being townie on the fact that you would just never kill ratchet NP1 here. Which is just not true and you trying to defend yourself by taking that angle felt weak attempt.
Frankly the reason I keep asking you how much you believe what you're saying here is because I'm trying to figure out how much of your thought process is genuine. So far most of your responses here feel positional and more like you're trying to win an argument. Basically it's easy to chat a bunch of shit but it's harder to fake real thoughts.

So when you keep dodging my question of "how much do you actually believe this?", what I expect is some sort of answer that shows me you're actually thinking this through, regardless of whether you agree or disagree.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
also think scum ultra wud take ratchets thoughts here and build more on it to try and get me yeeted if they think im serial cuz ultra knows aint no amount of town read on me is gonna stop me from murking his ass at night kek
honestly wud probably be easier for him to just move on from it than doubling down on not apologizing. think u hurt his ego by laying it out to him that his read on polar isnt always perfect and thats why hes compensating it with possibily thinking u r scum tming the whole situation. i do that too sometimes when im wrong and someone else got the right answer but i didnt. consider this a strong reason to read ultra town tbh
You're so full of fucking shit lmao


No dude... that's a bike...!!
my day 3 solve - reloady mango and rednight/orca, leaning orca as i can see rednight being town for that based hammer on polar. in fact orca not susing rednight much despite axing his brother looks bad for him (orca) so can see mango town and orca/rednight partnered for that reason. they shud all claim today at minimum

can see kiku town because she claimed knowing full well she cant verify role and wud look sus for doing it..hopefully reloadys flip can explain kikus inability to use her role, and then we might get a duel tomorrow which will also accelerate poe solving momentum more. i guess its also possible tinfoil kiku is the indie and she can pick between either duelling or night killing or has a neutral / savage wincon like flower did on that thrillerbark game. @York can u claim flavor pls? dont recall u say who u were

so taking kiku out from poe now. taking fuj's slot from poe cuz dont think hes play day 1 comes from mafia fuji. ultra and soul i can reconcile as town unless above poe flip town. if there an indie there its soul..if there is mafia its ultra.

left over is alexis, dont know what to do with him. hes literally not playing the game. did same shit and flipped scum in weebs. not sure why sign up to begin with if thats how he intends to play the game but what do i know. if i lost to a perma rolecrushed scum bodyguard thats apparently cleared off of some AtE or angleshooting post deletion i am sure i can live with it and just go next...
my day 3 solve - reloady mango and rednight/orca, leaning orca as i can see rednight being town for that based hammer on polar. in fact orca not susing rednight much despite axing his brother looks bad for him (orca) so can see mango town and orca/rednight partnered for that reason. they shud all claim today at minimum

can see kiku town because she claimed knowing full well she cant verify role and wud look sus for doing it..hopefully reloadys flip can explain kikus inability to use her role, and then we might get a duel tomorrow which will also accelerate poe solving momentum more. i guess its also possible tinfoil kiku is the indie and she can pick between either duelling or night killing or has a neutral / savage wincon like flower did on that thrillerbark game. @York can u claim flavor pls? dont recall u say who u were

so taking kiku out from poe now. taking fuj's slot from poe cuz dont think hes play day 1 comes from mafia fuji. ultra and soul i can reconcile as town unless above poe flip town. if there an indie there its soul..if there is mafia its ultra.

left over is alexis, dont know what to do with him. hes literally not playing the game. did same shit and flipped scum in weebs. not sure why sign up to begin with if thats how he intends to play the game but what do i know. if i lost to a perma rolecrushed scum bodyguard thats apparently cleared off of some AtE or angleshooting post deletion i am sure i can live with it and just go next...
I gotchu homie I'll just drop the full claim right now

The man, the myth, the legend... Luke Skywalker. I have a 1 shot duel, usable from day 2 or later(or at least it SHOULD BE). My secondary ability, Jedi Training, is unlocked on day 3... its just double vote power. This part of my kit cannot be lost or prevented, however
I gotchu homie I'll just drop the full claim right now

The man, the myth, the legend... Luke Skywalker. I have a 1 shot duel, usable from day 2 or later(or at least it SHOULD BE). My secondary ability, Jedi Training, is unlocked on day 3... its just double vote power. This part of my kit cannot be lost or prevented, however
Okay, kiku one question for you, like you know you can ask the host on why the ability is not working right? are you blocked? role crushed? why exactly you cannot use the ability?
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