Questions & Mysteries .



Luffy said since the start that he wants 10 nakamas, and with blackbeard having 10 men under him, SHs shoudl get another one after jimbe.

but the point is that with how rox pirates, roger pirates, wb pirates had many strong commanders, zoro, sanji, jimbe are really not enough, another strong guy will join that will be on par with them and could become even top tier in the end like them?


Kitetsu Wanker
Luffy said since the start that he wants 10 nakamas, and with blackbeard having 10 men under him, SHs shoudl get another one after jimbe.

but the point is that with how rox pirates, roger pirates, wb pirates had many strong commanders, zoro, sanji, jimbe are really not enough, another strong guy will join that will be on par with them and could become even top tier in the end like them?
All other SH members will be commanders too and they will be as strong as the plot requires them to be.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I’m becoming less and less convinced that we’ll get any more SHP before the story ends, especially if Oda’s really sticking to the 5 year plan this time. It’s way too late in the game to introduce a new character and have them organically bond/travel with the crew in time for the shit to go down, and as far as existing characters that could pull a Jinbe, I don’t see many options more viable than Law and his crew becoming subordinate to Luffy (which doesn’t exactly fit his character) or Carrot since she’s already spent significant time with the crew.

As unlikely as it is, I think it would be cool to see one of the Scabbards join them after this arc concludes (my preference is Kin’emon), but this also doesn’t seem like a real possibility if Momo becomes the shogun after Orochi falls...he’ll want his father’s trusted retainers to help him rebuild Wano. Tama could be in play, but she won’t be reliable in a fight past her apparent ability to tame Zoan users.

People have theorized for years that Smoker and/or Tashigi might join, but I think they work better as Marine “allies” than actual pirates.

Maybe another Supernova that we haven’t seen a lot of, like Bonney or Urouge? Again, not sure how that would work, but it would make the most sense out of all of these nonsensical options.
I pretty much worked out who it is (right after Jinbei joined in Cake Island no less). I just don't know how Oda is going to go about it. Plus, everyone in the past nakama topics in the previous op communities were "it must be a girl!!" or bust types. So I gave up.
Now I'm waiting Wano out to see if my educated guess is right, heh. :blobevil:

Luffy will probably get some more grand fleet members from the Wano samurai and the Mink tribe. Maybe the grand fleet itself will show up sometime this arc? It just seems too good an opportunity to pass up.
It's Pedro of The Treetop.

Big name? He got a rather big bounty in the past surpassing the likes of Shichibukais' frozen bounty. Invaded WCI onze, traumatized Tamago, an high ranked officer of a Yonko, to the point he prepared an Electro Suit just in case they fight again.

Strength? Right hand man of Nekomamushi, a Natural Born Warrior from strong animal race, a jaguar as opposed to the dukes' more mild animals (dog and cat).
And his Sulong form is still unknown, we just know he can take care of Pekoms' uncontrolled Sulong and iirc he was the 1 who helped Carrot control her Sulong form.

Occupation? Not really needed, but well, Lookout. Him observing from the very top of Thousand Sunny fits with his hobby of staying in the highest place.

B-but he's already dead!!1 B-but he blows himself up in WCI!! B-but if he comes back again it will ruin everything!!1
Yeah I know atm he is dead but there'a always this tiny chance that Jinbe may appear in Wano bringing him along. Until proven otherwise that Jinbe came without bringing him, then the will of Pedro hasn't died yet!!
B-but the minks already made him a tombstone? Yes, so did with Pell's case.

And who knows, Big Meme in Wano can possibly restore his lifespan too after she turned damsel then being saved by Straw Hats, mainly Chopper.
Wouldn't he be a better fit for the Grand Fleet? Marco's a doctor and the main crew already has Chopper (despite how lacking he is as a doctor...)
I don’t really think so, in the same way that Jinbe won’t be a member of the grand fleet. Regarding him being a doctor, I don’t actually think he’s a doctor. From what we saw, he never actually did any kind of complex medical operations, he just basically numbed people’s pain until they recovered on their own. It was kind of telling that when Ace got that ran through by Akainu’s magma fist and Luffy called for a doctor and instead of going to Marco, it showed that random guy that checked Ace out. Marco could be a doctor in the same way that Usopp was a shipwright. Plus he was very much a focus of the war in the way Jinbe was and demonstrated the same type of respect for Luffy Jinbe had, at the level Jinbe did. Could have been for a reason.
Imo at this point it is too late to introduce properly a 10th nakama, also we have first to end the Jinbe odissey. But at this point I could see a proper real strawhat who can come back in the crew to fulfill Luffy's words plus other reasons that fit withe the story: Vivi.

After Wano ends Luffy will have word about what happened at the Reverie, so what happened (or didn't happen) to Sabo and maybe even more importantly what happened to Vivi (if he believes Sabo is dead then that is a situation he can not change anymore but if he comes to know that the same people who "killed" Sabo have kidnapped Vivi he will hit the WG with everything he has in order to free her). And at that point if and when he manages to free Vivi, if the story go this way obviously, we will be probably pretty close to the end of the manga so Vivi could just stay with them until the end. And also as a little powerlevel junkie note it could be that Vivi is, or could control, another ancient weapon just like Shiraoshi (why IM decided among all things to take Vivi?) aka one of the strongest powers in OP world (even if we don't know what this power is yet).
I think that there could be a slight possibility Marco joins the crew after Luffy beats Teach. Huge name, obviously. Mainly a wish on my part, but I can see logic in it.
That would be cool, Marco is a great character. The only problem I see is that he is very strong (possibly the most powerful YC) to the point of facing King and Queen at the same time.

My personal choice (not counting Yamato) would be Katakuri. He is strong but not as strong as Marco and, if Zoro and Sanji defeated King and Queen, he would be the fourth strongest member of the crew. Also, with his special paramecia fruit he could be the "logia” of the crew.

And this is just a wish but it would be epic if, in the Final War, Yamato, Katakuri and Marco were the 11th, 12th and 13th nakamas. So Luffy would have in his crew members connected to the original Yonko: Ussop the son of a YC of the Red Hair Pirates, Yamato the daughter of Kaido, Katakuri the son of Big Mom and Marco the "son" of Whitebeard. But I know it would be too OP.