Theory The Final Arc: Ragnarok(From Admiral Ryokugyu)

I just read right now a tweet of Joyboy who like a theory about the final arc who was writen in opforum and the user(Admiral Ryokugyu) make a very good theory about it which deserve to get writing here aswell(all credit goes to the user who write this theory).

Hi everyone,

Today we'll go on a Norse mythology journey, and you'll understand why Oda is leaving Elbaf arc for the end. It's a very important arc, and the people of Elbaf are crucial to the story.

During Little Garden arc, and while the Straw Hats were leaving the island at the end, Dorry and Brogy resumed fighting and they said this:

" Only the Great Serpent soaked in blood can withstand our attacks. "

As you know, Elbaf is based on vikings and norse mythology in general.

In Norse mythology, there's a very famous and legendary creature called Jormungandr. This is the definition of Jormungandr in Wikipedia:

" It is a serpent that grew so large that it was able to surround Midgard ( the Earth ) and grasp its own tail. As a result, it received the name of the Midgard Serpent, or the World Serpent. When it releases its tail, Ragnarok will begin. "

And for those who don't know what Ragnarok is:

" In Norse mythology, Ragnarok is a series of events, including a great battle, foretold to lead to the death of a number of great figures, natural disasters, and the submersion of the world in water. One sign for the coming of Ragnarok is the violent unrest of the sea as Jormungandr releases its tail from its mouth. "
Now let's take all this and convert it to One Piece stuff. Dorry and Brogy talked about a Great Serpent soaked in blood, in other words, a big red serpent. Jormungandr is a huge serpent that surrounds the Earth and grasps its own tail. Does that remind you of something ? Yes, the Red Line.

The Norse mythology says that when the serpent releases its tail from its mouth, the end of the world will happen. In our case, i think it's obvious what the " serpent releasing its tail " means: the destruction of the Reverse Mountain.

Now some of you may ask me: why is it the Reverse Mountain and not any other part ?

Well, the answer is: this is based on the Jormungandr. Imagine a giant snake encircling the planet, which part breaks when it releases its tail ? It's the part where the serpent bites its tail, which is the unique part of the circle.

Now in the Red Line, which part is unique ? It's the Reverse Mountain.

So we can conclude that the destruction of the Reverse Mountain will cause the One Piece version of Ragnarok, which means, as the Norse mythology says, we'll see a great battle, the death of great figures, natural disasters, and the submersion of the world in water. In other words, the destruction of the Reverse Mountain will be the beginning of the end of the world of One Piece as we know it.

Wait, why did i say " as we know it " ? So the world won't really end ?

Well, let me complete the definition of Ragnarok with the remaining sentence:

" After these events, the world will resurface anew and fertile "

Ragnarok has several meanings:
- the twilight of the gods
- the destruction of the gods
- final destiny of the gods

Other terms used to refer to the events of Ragnarok are:

- aldar rok, and it means " end of an age ".
- þá er regin deyja, and it means " when the gods die ".
- unz um rjúfask regin, and it means " when the gods will be destroyed ".
- aldar rof, and it means " destruction of the age ".
- regin þrjóta, and it means " end of the gods ".

So our second conclusion is that the One Piece version of Ragnarok will cause the fall of the Celestial Dragons, known in the story as gods.

But that's just the outcome of the One Piece ragnarok, let's now see what's gonna happen during Ragnarok.

The description of Ragnarok continues on: " The convulsions will shake Naglfar free from its moorings. It will sail to Oskopnir carrying the hordes that will fight the gods. "

And guess what Naglfar is ? It's described in the Norse mythology as the biggest ship. Do we have something like that in One Piece ? Yes. It's Noah.

Surprisingly, Noah has a Norse design. Check this out:

We've always thought that Noah's purpose was to carry the fishmen to the surface one day. But that's absurd. I mean a ship carrying fishmen underwater doesn't make any sense, does it ? It's not a submarine, it's a ship, so it has to sail.

Noah's purpose actually is this: during the events of the One Piece ragnarok, when the world will be submerged in water, there has to be a ship big enough to carry each and every one on the planet who has the will to fight against the forces of Imu. It's Noah. Noah is the ship that will transport the gigantic army led by the Pirate King to battle.

But to which place will Noah sail ? The answer is: Raftel.

The Norse mythology says that Naglfar will sail to Oskopnir. And guess what Oskopnir means ? It means " the not yet created ", " the not made ".

That's why i think Raftel is an island that won't appear until the world is submerged by water. I know that Roger confirmed its existence, but we still have no solid proof that he set foot on that island. We don't even have proof that Roger ever had the One Piece in his possession.

We know that the 4 Road Poneglyphs will show you where Raftel is. But hold on, have you ever thought if that's really how it works ? Is Raftel really the intersection of those 4 places ?

Do you really think this is how the Straw Hats will find Raftel ? They go to each one of the 4 islands, then in the end they draw a map and locate the intersection and go and find Raftel ?

What if the 4 Road Poneglyphs actually guide you to 4 different places, and when you visit all those 4 places, you leave with a conclusion: that in order for Raftel to appear, you must destroy the Reverse Mountain. That's how the 4 Road Poneglyphs guide you to Raftel.

Now let's talk about Imu. When he was first introduced, countless One Piece theorists, YouTubers, informers ... tried to play with the " Imu " name in order to find Oda's inspiration for the character.

Greg for example ( a well known One Piece fan, journalist on the official One Piece website and former writer in V Jump magazine ) thought of something similar to what many other youtubers thought about: Imu is the reverse of Umi, thus Umibozu, a yokai from japanese folklore.

But i'm happy to tell you that, very surprisingly, i think i found Oda's inspiration for Imu, and it's AGAIN from the Norse mythology.

I tried to find a Norse legendary character similar to Imu, i didn't know that it was right in front of my eyes all this time.

I want to give special thanks to Manga Stream, because their translation of the character's name is what made me find out. Manga Stream translates the character's name as " Ym ". We all know that Imu rules the world, and the majority of readers believe that Imu is an immortal being.

Oda's inspiration for Imu, is the very famous Norse character Ymir.

Ymir's name is inspired by the indo european word Ymmo, which in the language of Vikings ( North Germanic ) translates to Umijaz.

Yep, it's not Umibozu dear OP YouTubers, it was Umijaz, in other words, Ymir, the legendary Norse character known in the mythology as the first living creature.

Now you might ask me: but why would Oda base so much of his story on Norse mythology ? Why not Japanese mythology for example ?

Well, do you know what's the anime that made Oda think about making a pirate manga ? If you don't, go watch Oda's interview after the release of One Piece Film: Gold.

The anime that made Oda think about making a pirate manga, is called Vicky the Viking.

Oda said that he was a fan of Vicky the Viking anime. One day as he was watching it, there was a scene in which the protagonist says " Tomorrow i'll go out sailing with my father ". Oda says that he loves this scene so much, because it's what made him start thinking about making a pirate manga.

So Oda's first inspiration to draw One Piece was a vikings anime. That's why it makes sense that he'd be inspired by the Norse mythology.


Now let's talk about Shanks. Is there any Norse mythology character that might be Oda's inspiration for Shanks ? Yes there is. It's Tyr.

Tyr is a one-armed Norse god. He was known amongst the Romans as the counterpart of the ancient roman war god Mars. The month named for him is March, and it's surprisingly the month when Shanks was born. ( Shanks was born on March 9th ). Moreover, Mars is known as the Red Planet, Shanks is known as Red Hair.

The Ancient Weapons:

So as you can see, there are many things in One Piece that i think are inspired from Norse mythology. That's why Oda is leaving Elbaf arc to the end. Dorry and Brogy, who both are viking-themed characters from Elbaf, said that the only thing capable of surviving to their blows is the Great Serpent soaked in blood. Which means that the Red Line is too tough that not even the world's strongest army, the army of Elbaf, can destroy it. ( yes, Elbaf is said to be the strongest country in the world because of its army )

So not even the army of Elbaf can destroy the Reverse Mountain, which means we need something else on an entirely other level in terms of brute strength: The Ancient Weapons.

The Ancient Weapons in One Piece are Pluton, Uranus, and Poseidon.

Pluton is taken from the Roman mythology, whereas Uranus and Poseidon are taken from the Greek mythology.

1- Pluton was said to be a very powerful battleship that can destroy an island with a single blow. So i think it'll be used to destroy the Reverse Mountain.

2- Poseidon will use her power to control the Sea Kings and move Noah. Noah has no sails, so even when it gets on the surface, the Sea Kings are still needed to make it sail. That's Poseidon's purpose.

3- Uranus is still unknown. In the Greek mythology, Uranus is the god personifying the sky. So we got an underwater Ancient Weapon ( Poseidon ), an on-surface Ancient Weapon ( Pluton ), so the remaining one will most likely be something flying.

The Five Elders:

The Five Elders are inspired from the real life Five Elders of Shaolin. They are the survivors of the destruction of the Shaolin temple by the Qing Dynasty.

The Warlords of the Sea:

Oda said that at first, the Shichibukai weren't in the story. The purpose of One Piece was for Luffy to beat the Yonko. Then Oda decided to add the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and he says that they're the reason why One Piece became too long. He even said that he could have gone with 2 or 5 Warlords of the Sea instead of 7. He says the only reason he made 7 warlords is because it sounded cool. So the Warlords, compared to other plot elements, aren't that important.

The Four Emperors:

They act as a wall hiding the truth from the One Piece seekers. When someone is hoping to become Pirate King, he thinks of the Four Emperors as the final villains. Luffy for instance, thinks that beating the Four Emperors is important to become Pirate King. It's true, however, when Luffy surpasses them, he'll find out that this world isn't just about the Four Emperors. The most difficult part actually comes after beating the Yonko: starting Ragnarok, so that the world ends and resurfaces anew and fertile, clean of the filthiness and corruption caused by Mary Geoise. So Luffy is now blinded by his will to surpass the Yonko, that's why they're a very important plot element.

The D.

Two possibilities:

1- The D. stands for Demeter.

Just like Pluton, Uranus, and Poseidon, Demeter is a also a mythological god. It's the Greek goddess of agriculture.

Long ago in the world of One Piece, Demeter made fruits that grant their users different abilities so that they can benefit the world. After the events of the Void Century, those fruits became called Devil Fruits, which means that Demeter was part of the Ancient Kingdom that was defeated during the Void Century, and the Ancient Kingdom's enemies were calling her a devil.

( similar to what's happening with Ymir Fritz in Attack on Titan )

2- D stands for the 4 seas. D is a letter that represents the number 4, just like the number of Blue seas in One Piece: North Blue, South Blue, East Blue, West Blue.

The Final Battle:

The Battle of Ragnarok was between the Norse gods and the forces of Muspell, the realm of fire.

Norse gods ----> Celestial Dragons
Forces of Muspell ----> Pirate King's army

The Norse gods were led by Odin, and the forces of Muspell were led by Surtr.

Surprisingly, the mythology says that when the Norse gods get rekt, Surtr will set the entire world in flames.

Does that make you remember something ?

Shyarly's vision about Luffy destroying Fishman Island:

Anyway, i can't really think accurately of what will happen during the Final Battle in the One Piece version of Ragnarok, because Oda will have all the characters on the board and he'll keep playing with them in any way he wants. So it's impossible to predict how the battle will go.

This theory was about giving you some things from the Norse mythology from which i believe Oda was inspired to come up with some One Piece stuff.

I also wanted to show you by this theory that leaving Elbaf arc to the end makes sense. When the Straw Hats arrive at Elbaf, they'll start to hear the beliefs of the Elbaf people, just like the people of Wano have their own beliefs based on Japanese mythology. Those Elbaf beliefs ( Ragnarok for example ) are identical to events that will happen in the end of the story. So Elbaf arc will be Oda's way of introducing us to the final events.

This took me forever to write xD I feel like my head is gonna explode from all that Norse mythology stuff i read in these past days. I tried my best to simplify the explanation because long theories like this one can be confusing. I hope you like it. If you read the whole thing then i really appreciate it.

Thank you so much.
Credit: User

@Bogard , @Sentinel , @Admiral Lee Hung , @comrade , @Plex , @Jo_Ndule , @Buusatan94 , @JioFreed , @Topi Jerami , @Pantheos , @TheAncientCenturion , @Kuroshika , @Kusanagi Kyo , @SHIHI , @ShinmenTakezo , @Reborn @Beerbottle , @Zenos7 , @ZenZu , @Dark Hound , @DarkWitch , @Kejon , @Gran D. Master , @Shuyaku , @Finalbeta , @MarineHQ62 , @King7 , @KINGKONGGUN15 , @Kingslayer , @King of Hearts , @Trafalgar_D_Law , @Lifeismeh , @Draco , @Fist_Of_Love , @Cyrus the Cactus , @Ice devil slayer , @IceWitch , @dizzy2341 , @DizzyBrows , @HA001 , @Haku , @Haoshoku , @Usopp Haoshoku Haki , @Hiragaro , @Hisoka , @Hisoka05 , @pedxi


Law Nerd
I just read right now a tweet of Joyboy who like a theory about the final arc who was writen in opforum and the user(Admiral Ryokugyu) make a very good theory about it which deserve to get writing here aswell(all credit goes to the user who write this theory).

Credit: User

@Bogard , @Sentinel , @Admiral Lee Hung , @comrade , @Plex , @Jo_Ndule , @Buusatan94 , @JioFreed , @Topi Jerami , @Pantheos , @TheAncientCenturion , @Kuroshika , @Kusanagi Kyo , @SHIHI , @ShinmenTakezo , @Reborn @Beerbottle , @Zenos7 , @ZenZu , @Dark Hound , @DarkWitch , @Kejon , @Gran D. Master , @Shuyaku , @Finalbeta , @MarineHQ62 , @King7 , @KINGKONGGUN15 , @Kingslayer , @King of Hearts , @Trafalgar_D_Law , @Lifeismeh , @Draco , @Fist_Of_Love , @Cyrus the Cactus , @Ice devil slayer , @IceWitch , @dizzy2341 , @DizzyBrows , @HA001 , @Haku , @Haoshoku , @Usopp Haoshoku Haki , @Hiragaro , @Hisoka , @Hisoka05 , @pedxi
Magnificent job. Always known Oda was besotted with the Norse culture.


This theory is amazing.
I sincerely hope Imu is Ymir bcoz this would make him easily overpowered as fuck with creation abilities and so on.

After reading through this theory, I'm even more sure that BB is not the final antagonist, it is definitely Imu. :D
Imu is kaguya ywhach
Broken fighters


This is really interesting . Maybe roger and others found out there will be end of the world and a person with will of D will carry people history behind the back.

Im controls the Red line . Luffys final battle is to fight Im s force . I totally see something huge to happen when wano finishes.

Im finally coming out in open and declaring war on pirates will be the first act.

He might target luffy and blackbeard both of them will be near to finding one piece treasure.

So whatever luffy finds out the truth in raftel he will get instruction from rogers or odens writings on how to destroy the red line which celestial dragon has steady control over the world.

The red line is very important for celestial dragon. They control sea route between grand line and new world. Red line is not naturally created .

Im and his cronies have been controlling it since void century.

Roger probably knows all this but since he was about to die. He wanted his son Ace to takeover his lineage and guide the world.
I don't really put that much effort in that either tbh. Power scaling is very easy to me :kayneshrug:
Probably the user who make this theory thing the same, I mean even if we thing about effort, every user her has his own interesst about One piece, one group love the battledome and the other making theorys and probably thing the same.
I mean even in a discussion about your favourite character, in the moment when you start discussion for many sites, you put effort (little effort or hard work).