Questions & Mysteries The Missing Info in the Backstory of X. Drake

Will Drake get more backstory now that we're in the final stage of OP?

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Hello all. It's been a while since I've made any threads here, and I'm only making this thread now to get some interesting answers and thoughts out of the other fans of Drake since there are a few of us around since I feel that the topic of Drake's backstory is pretty interesting because while there's a fair amount we know, there are still things that we have no idea about.

So not only is this thread simply made for the sake of picking the brains of fellow Drake fans, but it's also a reference for me to keep up with what we still do NOT know about Drake as far as his story.

So far, it's unknown whether we'll get anymore backstory for in the actual manga or if the remainder of it (since there is certainly more that could be told) while be brought up in an SBS like how Kid's was.

ANYWAY, on to what we know for sure from the canon material:

  • Drake was born in the North Blue to a yet-to-be named Mother and Father, Barrels.
  • Barrels was a Marine ( but something happened ) and he turned to piracy, taking Drake with him.
  • Barrels became crueler and Drake's abuser despite being his parent, amassing a lot of treasure during his time as a pirate.
  • Barrels came upon the Op Op and wanted to sell it on Minion Island, but was killed by Doflamingo.
  • Drake escaped Minion Island as a lone survivor of the Barrels Pirates.
  • Drake came under the protection of the Marines and gained a Father Figure in Sengoku.
  • During his time in the Marines, Drake reached the rank of Rear Admiral, became a member / leader of SWORD ( and defected to become a pirate, but this is more current information as I want to focus moreso on his past ).
Could we see more backstory from Drake in the future? I think so. From what we've seen in more recent chapters of the manga, it obvious that SWORD ( which only JUST revealed its members a few hundred chapters or so back as well as an explanation on what sorts of Marines SWORD members are ) still has a role yet to be played in full in the One Piece world.

What could we potentially learn from a continuation of Drake's backstory?

  • His home island name and mother's name (and any other potential family since Francis Drake had 10 other siblings so potentially, we could see something like that in Drake's story or not at all. ).
  • What caused Barrels to leave the Marines, turn Pirate, and be horrible to his own son.
  • How Drake got his devil fruit / at what age did he become a Devil Fruit user.
  • Marines Drake associated with during as time as an "on file" Marine such as Sengoku or Kizaru (or any of the members of SWORD depending on the story of that particular subject OR marines in his age group/generation).
  • His connection to Vegapunk / tying up why he knew the information that he did about Kizaru/Pacisfistas.
  • The founder of SWORD (if not Drake himself), why SWORD was formed / the actual goal.
  • Names, vague info of Drake's subordinates / men when he was an on-file Rear Admiral and if these were the same men who set out on the seas with him as the Drake Pirates (also, what happened to them during the timeskip?? post wano??).
I can't say for sure how likely it is that we get more information, but I have a feeling some of these will be answered for Drake since he survived Wano and he's now back together with his team.

From what I listed, do you think there is a chance that we will see some more of Drake's story since we're in the final swing of things?

What would questions would you like to see answered or confirmed in the manga (or even the SBS or a spinoff story)?

Or what information would YOU simply like to see revealed for Drake in the future?

Even more - what information do you think is the most likely chance of coming out during Final Chapter of One Piece? As far as I feel, it'll probably be more SWORD information since we still don't know a think about the Founder or its overall Goals.