Theory The One Piece and Wano

Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I made a theory. So, I will be out of practice haha, but let's begin by saying "The One Piece treasure BELONGS to Wano Kingdom". And I will work my way through this idea thorugh certain details mentioned in the manga.

But first, what made me actually say something as weird as this. And Link Wano directly to the treasure of One Piece!?

The other day, I was thinking about the word play that Oda has been using for different islands:

1- Zou -----> literally a zou (elephant)
2- Marijoa ---> Mary jois (The story of Mary, Holly land)
3- Raphtel ----> Laugh Tale

So, I was trying to play with the word "Wano" to come up with something interesting. Maybe if I played with the word in some shape, it may sound similar and familiar to us.

And then, I couldn't be far from the truth.

Wano -----> Wano Piece

So, let's take a moment, and think about the name of the treasure "One Piece". The meaning of the name, does NOT SOUND like something that can be called for a "treasure"

Like, One Piece, Two piece, what about the other pieces?? it just sounds RANDOM.

But when you link the word "piece" and reference it into a "place" or a "person". Then it has VALUE.

for example, those words "sword, spear, clothes, gloves" etc!
When you call them "one sword, one spear, many clothes, two gloves" They have NO VALUE

But try to link them into a historical place, or a historical figure. It will hold a value, befitting of treasure

"King Arthur sword, Odin Spear, Cleopatra Clothes....etc"

So, in the same manner,
One Piece ----> NO VALUE
Wano Piece ----> A piece/treasure that is VALUABLE from Wano country.

So, the idea, as rediculous and as farfetched, it came from me just playing with the word "Wano"

But, when you look at some important facts regarding the Land of Wano, it will become even more solid:

1- Land of Wano is the land that the "Poneglyphs" were made in! And Poneglyphs tell you all the truth and secrets about the world, and it even has a guide towards the "Wano Piece" treasure! So, it's only befitting for the creator to be the one to tell you the guide to its own treasure for future generation.

2- Land of Wano was CLOSED by the Kozoki family, because they were under a big threat from external powerful enemy. Wano cut their connection to the outside world, because they didn't want the enemy to get their hands on what People of Wano have

3- The name of the treasure, Wano Piece, was changed into "One Piece" by the external powerful enemy WG, in order to misdirect the public about the importance of Wano which is isolated.

4- Professor Clover died before uttering the name of the "island" which holds the key to everything. I think now that the name of the Kingdom that was so prideful, and faced the 20 kingdoms was Wano country itself. And this is exactly why Clover was shot before saying its name. It's because the name itself points towards "One Piece treasure".

5- Sengoku (and mainly Oda) saying "why are many powerful people end up going to Wano". Something so mysterious about this place. And about its importance as a place for historical events.

6- WG has many records of changing the names to ditract the public, Gold Roger ---> Gol D. Roger is an example

So yeah.... tell me your thoughts about this crazy thought
You forgot wano was the land of Gold too.
Wano and Elbaf are the Skypea and Jaya of NW. The 2 most important Islands with rich history.

I wont be shocked if Kozuki are secret Ds as @Rmstorm says.

I also think Laugh Tale might be beneath Wano or in the sky above Wano.
I didn't forget about the "city of gold". But I simply didn't find connection between "Gold" and history. So, I left it out on purpose. But you can take it in the way you analyzed it as you suggested!