Speculations The possiblities of how to prevent Onigashia form crushing the flower capital



We know Kaido intends to put Onigashima on top of the flower capital what would result in crushing it and causing many deaths, but we know that will not happen.
let us speculate about how that can prevented:
  1. Momo have the same ability as Kaido so he would be able to do the same thing and prevent that in the last Moment, while Kaido is being busy fighting Luffy.
  2. Luffy will have some sort of power that enables him to do that.
  3. Luffy tries to do destroy Onigashima but that would not be very wise.
  4. Wano are some island on the back of a gait turtle , which would take to Luffy and Momo and misplace the flower capital just before it hits.
  5. Law will use his ability to cut Onigashima in many parts and use Takt to place them in places where people would not be hurt.
  6. Shinobu has awakening and will use it short before Onigashima crush the island.
you can state your opinions about the possibilities or make your own speculation.
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i think onigashima will land in the capital on top of kozuki shogun's castle, there's just no way luffy can beat kaido in one single night, kaido is a top tier and top tier can fight for multiple days so the war in wano should logically last for many days too.
The Possibilities that i can see happening:

01. Momo stops it ---> 90%
02. O-Lin stops it ---> 70%
03. Supernova Team-Up to Destroy it (Luffy + Zoro + Law + Kid + Others) ---> 70%
04. Wano Regions are Separated & Onigashima falls into Water ---> 40%
05. Luffy or Zoro Destroy it Alone or as a Duo (Their own Version of Hakai) ---> 20%
06. Flower Capital gets Destroyed but People Escape in time ---> 20%
07. Kaido stops it because he Spots Something/Someone Valuable Below ---> 10%
08. Combined Flying Slash of Best Swordsman Present (Dozens of Samurai including Zoro, Law & Scabbards, Hyo ... etc) ---> 5%
09. Surprise Character appears & stops it ---> 5%
10. Time DF Appears & saves the Day (Either Toki or Hiyori) ---> 5%
11. Shinobu uses Awakening ---> 1%
12. Something completely Unexpected & New ---> 1%

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Yeah, I was kinda certain Luffy/some combination of the alliance would beat Kaido before Onigashima reached the Flower Capital…now that that’s off the table, I wonder if a) there are enough Gifters who can fly that Tama could command to keep the landmass afloat (or at least help it land gently), or b) Fujitora truly IS coming to Wano and can use his gravity powers to halt its progress or the inevitable drop.


what about Caribo's power could he be able to transform Onigashima into swamp?I assume he has to awaken his DF to be able to do that as well.