Theory The rise and the fall of an empire, an Ancient Kingdom Story.

To continue our series of theories about the ancient kingdom I present you with the part 2 of my previous one. The rise of the D, an Ancient Kingdom Story


In the first part I talked about the meaning of the D and how I believed it was inspired by the Inca society, but the naming isn't the only thing The Great Kingdom took as I said previously I think Oda took inspiration from al 3 great civilization of the Americas focusing on the Inca mostly. I'll explain you know in more in-depth the rise and the fall of the kingdom based on the similarities with the Inca empire, Even though all of this could be brought to pieces by Toki.


The Rise

It was said by Professor Clover that this kingdom was enormous and had great tech, but how it was created and what prompted the 20 nations to attack it was a mystery, but if we analyze the Inca and parallel it to the with the story in once piece we could get some answers even if form my point of view.

I imagine the rise of this kingdom in a similar way to that of the Inca, they started small but end up being big and a handful of people was in charge of governing many different civilizations just like in our case in OP. The inca had 2 ways of conquering some one:

  • A war, which was costly and they tried to not start it.
  • An ultimatum, where they presented the pros of joining them and letting them be administrated still by their local leaders whom though would be under the direct command of the Sapa Inca or emperor. A refusal though would mean the first option and the death of the local leader. The children would be then taken to the capital and thought the Inca education and then sent back to administrate the territories like vassals.
The second option was the one whom most chosen and that's why the Inca empire was quiet Pacific one. They divided their kingdom in 5 parts which consisted of a central government with the Inca at its head and four provincial governments with strong leaders: Chinchasuyu (NW), Antisuyu (NE), Kuntisuyu (SW) and Qullasuyu (SE).
From what I told you in this brief history lesson you probably started to see the parallels with the Ancient Kingdom(AK). if not let me show them to you:

  • The Great Kingdom(GK from now one I'm lazy) was vast and very technological advanced, keep in mind they created the 3 Ancient weapons.
  • They where from what I understood a pretty pacific Empire pretty much like the Inca.
  • The world of OP is divided in a similar way, I know WOW dude the 4 cardinals points... , the center of the world is where the World nobles and coincidentally I believe there was the capital of the AK also, like Cusco was on the mountains at an elevation of 3,400 m (11,200 ft) and the Red line it's at 10,000 m dividing the 4 blues.
The probably used the same methods to expand showing the other kingdoms why it was better joining them, but if a war would start they had what it took to obliterate the enemy.

But all nice stories reach an end and this is what happened with them as well. You see the problem with having a big empire and multiple different civilization under you is that people want freedom even if they are free and leaving in a flourish way local kings would want to have all the power.

The fall

After years of stability a moment of weakness could prompt an attack and that is what happen to the GK. The instability and the fight for a throne created a domino effect and that made the 20 kingdoms guided by one charming leader to attack and take the power. I will talk about the war in the 3rd and last part( The rise of Skywalker ahahh).

For the Inca was the same an internal struggle followed by the encounter with the Spanish conquistadors made their empire crumble even if they had a lot more man in their army. The Spanish made alliances with the tribes that wanted to break free from the Inca rule, making them believe they would be free and bribing them. After the conquest the Inca capital of Cuzco was used as the center of the Spanish conquest and the spread of Christianity, because it was easier for them to use a the city which already had the status of the place where the ruler is.

In the OP history the same was done by the 20 kingdoms they used the status of the Ancient capital, but to show others that they were not like the previous rulers no one sat on the throne even though in the shadows there was and there is a ruler that lurks and controls his/hears empire. By doing so he or she gave the impression of freedom and let only 5 people from the most prominent and powerful royal families that helped with the conquest know about his existence.

I believe it is not a coincidence that all the World Nobles are called Saints and have a very Spanish/European aura, that is because they symbolize the colonial European countries that went and took over the New Continent and the world with the Spanish Empire pioneering the European control over the world


The Ancient kingdom is based on the Inca empire and story, an ancient kingodm in a new world. While the WG represent the Conquistadors that took control over the Empire and replace them as the power house taking control over tech and people.

In the next and final theory of the AK trilogy I'll talk about the War, Joy Boy and Im, by doing so I'll arrive at the conclusion and the start of a new series of theories related to this ones but focused on the WG the sequels to this prequels.


